What will you do in 2008 to end the war?

By a Gold Star Mother, who lost a son in Iraq, writing on the Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus blog:

What did you do in 2007 to end the war? Did you act? Did you contact your legislator? Did you write a letter to the editor? Did you pick up the phone? Did you participate in a rally or a protest? Or were your days filled with inaction?

Were you indifferent when you heard of our young men and women’s souls were leaving this earth from the sands of Iraq? Were you affected by the death and displacement of so many Iraqi’s who never asked that this fight be brought to their land? What did you do to stop the war/occupation? Did you think it isn’t your problem? Did you think nothing you did would matter or did you just not care?

Were you silent about the injustice of this pointless and endless war? Were you silent when your voice could have been heard and counted? Were you silent because it was easier that way or did you just not care?

Her real question:  What will you do in 2008?

Friday, Jan. 18, is Iraq Moratorium #5, a national day of individual and group actions calling for an end to the Iraq war and occupation.

Last month’s observance was marked in dozens of different ways by individuals and groups across the country.  Some of their activities are chronicled on the Moratorium website, where organizers list upcoming events and report on their actions afterward, often with photos or video.  It’s inspiring to see what’s happening at the grasssroots.  

Check it out — and think about what you can do.

There’s also a simple pledge for individuals to sign and commit to do something on the Third Friday of every month to break out of their normal routine and call for an end to the war.

There is no prescribed or set thing to do on Moratorium Day.  The important thing is that individuals take responsibility and do something — anything —  to express their opposition to the war.

It’s based on the theory that doing something is infinitely more likely to have an impact than doing nothing.  It’s hard to argue with that premise.

January 18 listings are coming in now, and more events are being added to the website on a daily basis, and many more happen across the country without any official check-in.

A few ideas from the national coordinators:

Wear an antiwar button or sticker to work or school.

Wear a black armband to let people know you mourn the overwhelming loss of life in this war.

Distribute black armbands to others.

Hang an antiwar sign in your window, or put one on your lawn.

Call a local radio talk show and explain why you want this war to end.

Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper and let people know about the Iraq Moratorium and how they can get involved.

Make a large antiwar sign or banner and hang it from a busy overpass where people traveling to or from work will see it, or from some other highly visible location.

Put together a group to stand vigil in front of a military recruiting station, your local federal building, or the office of your senator or representative in Congress.

Call the Washington, DC, offices of your senators and your representative.

Hold vigils, pickets, rallies, and teach-ins

Hold special religious services

Coordinate events in music, art, and culture

Host film showings, talks, and educational events

Organize student actions: Teach-ins, school closings, etc.

But there are no limits on what anyone can do.  Creative ideas that stir discussion or attract media attention are what’s needed.  

You’ll feel better doing something, even a small thing.  Believe me.


  1. What will you do on Jan. 18?

  2. Had the quote

    “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

    My theme in government writing this year will be.

    “You want my allegance,you will have to fight me for it”.

    Yes, I’ll work on that more.  

    Daily I see instances in every endeavor of life contrary to all things American.  I need not focus just on “the war” but on all other aspects of life adversely affected by America’s new cancer, the assholian Nazi-ism of Homeboy Security.

  3. most of them are too big for 1 organizer, though. my favorite one is for “Congressional District Strikes”

    So what would happen is, in congressional district X, a core of organizers start recruiting for a (one day) general strike to occur when a certain number of people have signed a pledge to participate. Say, 100,000. When 100,000 people sign, the date is set for a week later, giving people time to prepare and to recruit even more strikers and to plan events (flashmobs, informal rallies, vigils, concerts, whatever other meetups).

    I posted it awhile ago on Daily Kos and it got a lukewarm response. meh … ingrates! j/k

    the rest of the idea is posted here – http://www.losethelabel.org/no

    as for 1/18, I’ll throw up some antiwar music on Facebook. I should go play some protest songs at the open mic. I always feel bad, though, cause I totally ruin everyone’s good vibes. I guess that’s what it’s all about though, isn’t it…

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