Simple Ideas

For the last few years my mind has had wisps of ideas, but nothing really crystallized.

Everytime I thought I was getting it together…

The last few weeks all of that has changed. I’m seeing things differently. Pieces are fitting, I’m making connections, trying to find a solution to the morass I’m in.

I know I’m not alone in the morass, Buhdy’s going around talking to himself

and everybody’s all screaming…

Where Did All the GOOD PEOPLE Go?

I’ve also noticed others  here & there in comments, and also in essays, there seems to be a convergence on an ideal….

a moving on, leaving the hatred & vitriol behind…

so yeah, we’ve been knocked down

it’s time to Get Up Again….

“It’s not the big things we need to worry about, but the little ones. It’s the little things

that’ll get us”  -MrD

The other side to this is that the little things will save us.

So how do we begin?


Grab your gaze out of the gutter and look up to the stardust from whence you came and believe in yourself again.

You can change things. You know it’s true. Stop smoking. Get fit. Care more for those around you and let them know it.

Blog more. Sing louder. We are not proud, or tired. And we’ll show you the next time it comes around on the guitar.

With feeling.
  ~ek hornbeck

Its time to stand up & say….I will NOT be broken!

all it takes is One Good Idea…

Life is long enough.

The basic challenge is to come up with one good idea…an idea that will change and make better the lives of fellow humans.

How does one do that?  ~Viet71

it’s time to get Back To Where It All Begins

How about doing things backwards and opposite from most of the world….

I think next year it just might work if the rest of the world tried it too. Maybe?

How about next year instead of setting aside one day out of 365 at the end of the year to be good to each other, we do it backwards and set aside 364 days to be good to each other and one day to all be assholes, just so we have a day to get it out of our systems. All wars would have to be on that one day, of course… that would be a given.

Make sense? Anybody think it’s a lousy idea?  ~edger

Or this, a simple idea to raise awareness & support of our troops… Little Green Army Men- have you heard about this? Poichick diaried about this last summer in orange

I first heard about this LGAM idea from mouthswideopen and I’ve put out battalions of LGAM in the last 3yrs.

OPOL shared a Simple Idea that struck a chord with me:

“We should be talking instead of fighting, reaching out to each other instead of blowing each other to shreds, we should be leading the world in the cause of peace.  We should be putting an end to war.  We should stop the insanity. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.”

These are simple ideas…Of doing the right thing, living the golden rule, because nice matters


Have you seen this commercial (maybe it’s for insurance?) A man stops to pick up a toy thrown by a baby, someone stops him from walking into danger… it’s a series of little kindnesses passed one to another.

What made this commercial resonate in me? Probably the sad lack of kindness in our society today. Slowly it has disappeared, replaced by those thinking only of themselves.

This is the generation our parents warned us about.”

It’s the “ME generation”

Luckily some of us fell through the cracks.

We taught our children manners, although we did not demand sirs & ma’ms  all the time. We taught our children to hold the door & the chair, to say please & thank-you, to compliment a job well done. We taught them to care about others.

The other day I caught my son ‘teaching’ manners as he held the door: “It’s polite to say Thank-You when someone holds the door for you.” He stated in a louder than necessary voice to the 6-8 people who had taken advantage of him opening & holding the door for me with  no word of acknowledgement. There was no rudeness in his voice, just a simple statement of fact.  I had to laugh.  He showed me just how simple it can be.

It’s time to get back to being nice. Just because it’s the correct thing to do.

It’s time to get back to Simple Ideas.

To Tea Party Manners

Changing the context in which human beings live isn’t engineering at all; it’s gardening. It is not the imposition on inert material of a pattern alien to that material’s nature; it is rather the provision of resource, and the removal of impediments, to the proper expression, through life and growth, of that nature.

It isn’t, therefore, something that one people does to another, with an end in view; it is something that peoples do with each other for its own sake — as you say, over Three Cups of Tea. ~Faber

to hugs:


to excellence:

Before admonishing another, one should reflect thus…

In due season will I speak, not out of season,

In truth will I speak, not in falsehood.

For his/her benefit will I speak, not his/her loss.

Gently will I speak, not harshly.

In kindness will I speak, not in anger. ~from the Vinaya, quoted by davidseth

It’s time to shine….In the Light

What’s really important to me…why I keep on keeping on despite all the horrors of the world …is all wrapped up in who I am… to the people in my life in some measure it’s all the same…I’m just ria, trying to help those I find along my path as best I can…whoever it might be…and that’s why to me, knowing I took the correct path…not always the one others thought I should..or the one that was pretty w/ bells & whistles…but the path that called to me, to my heart & said ‘over here’…that path has always been the one that makes my heart sing as I go down it…its doing as you want to be done to…remembering to really try to see it from the others POV…to give as much as you get & more…  to leave things as good or better than you found them…

my thoughts-or how i see the world, affects other people… how I treat other people affects more people…I see it being passed on in little ways, tiny things that others would likely not notice…the fact that my son teaches his boy to say please & thank you… it’s ripples….

so, yes, I know I’ll die & prolly sooner rather than later…but I’ll be here……..when my grandson smiles at his grandson because he said ‘thank you, granpa’ …

It’s why we do this… why we fly our kites….

why we try to shed a little light….





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    • RiaD on January 1, 2008 at 05:07
  1. simplicity!!

    Happy New Year RiaD!!

    • Alma on January 1, 2008 at 06:50

    Kindness, caring, and peace, go hand, in hand, in hand.  Until everyone joins the circle and feels it.

  2. and completely excellent — nice does matter and so do compassion and kindness and looking out for others — all the simple things that have been forgotten in so many places — but not here!

    Much happiness in the year ahead, Ria!!  

  3. the word… nice

    the idea of being… nice to each other

    being happy. thinking about things other than destruction.

    thanks Ria for this rest and calm…

    smooches and hugs…

    ps. i TOTALLY agree with what rusty said.

  4. is performing ‘random acts of kindness’

    It catches people completely off guard, lol!

  5. but live challenging myself daily to be the human being my grandmothers always longed for me to be.  I have made a lot of new friends this past year online and offline, it was a good year for getting in touch again with something larger than the horror and for being warm to others because no man is an island and we all respond to and thrive on the sincere geniune warmth of other human critters.

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