Pony Party, Proud Mommy Moments

I have two children, but I’ve had more than my share of proud mommy moments.  This week was a banner one for me though…

The oldest, who’s 19, but seriously impaired from a car accident and resulting brain injury, has been making progress on the treadmill.  She still isnt able to move her legs intentionally, but she is making fantastic progress at ‘letting go’ of the tone in her legs to allow her therapist to move her legs through steps on the treadmill.  

But ‘thing 2’ really brought it home this week….

First of all, she has a Social Studies teacher who is ridiculously conservative, and this week, instead of simply arguing with her issue by issue, she finally threw down and told the woman that her opinions weren’t relevant to the discussion they were having.  

Then….and don’t hate….she got her report card.  My kid is a great student, but she really struggled this marking period.  She suffers from migraines, and our family doctor had her on an interim drug until she could get an appointment with a pediatric neurologist.  The medicine (topomax) caused her to have memory lapses and sleep disturbances (she would get out of bed in the middle of the night and get dressed for school in her sleep!!), and even with the lapses and the lack of good rest, she made honor roll with 5 a’s and 2 b’s, and multiple commendations for her effort and attitude.

But the kicker came yesterday.  ‘Thing 2’ came home from school and told me…and I quote…”We had our Health test today, and I totally nailed labelling the penis diagram.”

How can you not love that kid??



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  1. can come in handy later on in life. Your “things” sound awesome.

    • pfiore8 on January 31, 2008 at 15:31

    and here’s to all moms… because what’s better in this world than your mother?

    • RiaD on January 31, 2008 at 16:16

    hell, I’m proud of them!

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