My Daughter Speaks Out

Mark’s note: My daughters are both very politically aware. My oldest daughter Sara sent this to me and it is presented here with only minor edits.  She wrote this last week after the Iowa Caucuses. I am proud of you, Sara.

Last night, my sister called at 6:23 to tell me that the race was called for Barack Obama. I can’t imagine her joy, her relief, her satisfaction, because I’ve never been on the winning end of election day. She was pretty elated.

On the news B-Roll of different campaigns included Raj, my intern-boss when I was in Iowa working for Howard Dean. Raj was on his old street corner again, 8th and Grand, waving Obama: Hope signs. I was very happy to see him, even if it was only on the news.

My fiance’s mother called to say, “Go Huckabee!” Personally, I still think Romney wins the nomination, but what do I know about Republican politics? She tried to bait me, but I just let it roll off my back. Last night’s victory was too sweet to not relish it.

This morning, I found an email in my inbox: “WHO IS BARACK OBAMA?!?” If you’ve ever had an email account, I’m sure you’ve seen this one: Barack Obama is nothing but an Islamic Fascist who wants to declare Jihad against America the moment he takes the oath. Of course, it was from my fiance’s mother. So I’ve crafted my reply and sent it not only to her, but to every other person that the email had ever been sent to.

To everyone who has received this email:

I have sent this response to everyone who received the original email, to spread some truth. In the interest of full disclosure: My sister worked for Barack Obama in Iowa, and I personally plan to vote for Bill Richardson when my turn comes on February 5th. I don’t work for Barack Obama or his campaign. I just have a vested interest in politics being about truth and not about lies.

Here’s the truth: Barack Obama had a Muslim father. He had an atheist mother. And, by his own admission, he is a baptized Christian. The following quote is directly from an interview with Barack Obama that appeared in TIME Magazine on October 23, 2006.

“It was because of these newfound understandings-that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved-that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized.” — Barack Obama

How many of us had atheist parents? How many of us are of a different belief than our parents? Why should we judge a grown man based on the actions of his parents? Is the worst quality about Barack Obama his lineage? Someday if I ran for public office, would you immediately discount me because my father is a Methodist, my mother is a Unitarian, and I am neither?

To those who say that Obama is only a Christian to look good for the American public, well, I would turn you to the fifth chapter of his book, The Audacity of Hope. There he describes his parents and stepfather and their religious views, and describes his own spiritual awakening when he was in his 20’s. Even if you have no intention of ever voting for him, don’t you owe it to yourself as an American to read Obama’s own words, and make up your own mind rather than believing that “Because his father was Muslim, he must be a terrorist!” That’s just fear based thinking, and I’m sure it’s way beneath all of you.

To those who say that Obama does not place his hand over his heart or salute the flag, well, you’re right. On occasion, he doesn’t. There is some photographic evidence.

The allegations in that email that he turns his back and slumps are simply lies. Look at the picture for yourself. There he is, standing tall and proud. Here’s the photographic evidence of Obama placing his hand over his heart at an  event:

There must be hundreds of similar occasions. I have no intention of defending him, just of giving you the information.

And, while we’re airing the truth, look at this picture:

wherein President George W. Bush does not have his heart covered with his hand during the national anthem. One can only imagine if he thought that is where his heart is. Is he any less patriotic? Is he any less fit to serve?

Notice how the email that you’ve all read had absolutely no references or resources listed. How can you know if the facts are correct unless you checked them for yourself? I’ve quoted three different sources here (TIME Magazine, The Audacity of Hope, and FOX News via for a total of four different references to back up what I am saying.

It really comes down to this: if you like Barack Obama’s polices, then vote for him; if you like someone else’s policies better, vote for them. That’s the beauty of America. But I would present to you another beauty of America: the right to question. Is it not your patriotic duty to correctly inform yourself — even if it’s about people or politicians you may not like? Do the American thing and ask some questions the next time you receive an email like this.

With warmest wishes,

Sara Brooks

I am so pissed at this blatant LIE, and I’m even more pissed that I’m letting it get to me.


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  1. of my daughter (youngest) with Barack Obama in Iowa.

    I have two wonderful citizen daughters. My dad used to pat them on the heads when they were little and say, “Nice little Democrats…”

    It runs in the family.

  2. to hear a proud papa

    thanks for this Mark!

    • Nordic on January 8, 2008 at 07:50

    I’m now a father …. it’s the greatest joy in life.  

    I cannot imagine how my father must feel about me.  My father is a life-long right wing fascist.   He admits to being a neo-con.  Trouble is, he actually believes the bullshit.  He is, in a sense, as idealistic as I am, just living in an alternate universe.

    I can’t imagine how he must feel to see his son, me, basically believing that he is completely delusional in his beliefs.

    If my son were to feel that way about me it would drive me nuts.  

    Needless to say we have agreed to not discuss politics.   But it sure is difficult, because we both LOVE to talk about politics.  Sometimes it comes out anyway, and quickly devolves into a “that’s bullshit.”  “No, THAT’S bullshit” kind of conversation.  

    Pretty sad.  

    You are lucky!

  3. Recently(last week) I received an email from a Republican who claims he is not prejudiced, in which he says that Obama was raised a Muslim and that he plans to destroy this country. After my previous emails debunking the Madrassa thing, and the Islamo-fascist thing, and the fact that his church Trinity United Church of Christ is a “fringe” church that preaches Black supremacy….(too bad I also attended the United Church of Christ and I am not yet Black)…after all this, they are still passing these lies around. The Pledge thing is just another attack of many.

    I do receive far more attack emails about Hillary with the most unflattering photos of her possible, calling her all kinds of names and I still receive Bill and Monica stuff!

    I never receive Bush jokes…I search for them on the internet and send them out to all my Republican “friends”! For every Obama or Hillary slander, I send out Bush league jokes or articles about other well-known Republicans!

    Good for your daughter…but I don’t think they understand or read any calls for reason or intelligent Inquiry.

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