Nothing better to do…

You’d expect this sort of nonsense from Congress when the Republicans are in charge, but really doesn’t Chairman Waxman have anything better to do with the Oversight Committee?

“This is a sad day for Major League Baseball but a good day for integrity in sports. It’s an important step towards the goal of eliminating the use of performance enhancing substances.

“The Mitchell report is sobering. It shows the use of steroids and human growth hormone has been and is a significant problem in Major League Baseball. And it shows that everyone involved in Major League Baseball bears some responsibility for this scandal.

“We are going to ask Senator George Mitchell, Commissioner Bud Selig, and the President of the Major League Players Association, Don Fehr, to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing on Tuesday, December 18. We look forward to their testimony on whether the Mitchell report’s recommendations will be adopted and whether additional measures are needed.

Yeah, the ball players used performance enhancing drugs. But, then we have a “president” who has lied to Congress and obstructed justice. So much for integrity in our government. Not to mention our planet’s at the tipping point…

Priorities. Whatever. Play ball!


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  1. Rejected Letter to the Editor of S.F Chronicle…

    I am grossly amused by the tons of ink and hours of air devoted to Barry Bonds and whether or not he used, and/or lied about using, performance enhancing drugs. Big deal!

    Our President, George Bush, lied us into a war in Iraq which destroyed that country, killed over 1 million people, devastated millions of folks and families, deconstructed our domestic economy, and derailed our good name and standing in the world of nations.

    But virtually no ink nor airtime is devoted to these crimes, crimes which make the furor over Bonds and steroids look like a Roman Bread & Circuses act.

    Keep the rabble entertained with trivia, and maybe they won’t notice the real crimes being committed against them.

  2. we have a “president” who has lied to Congress and obstructed justice

    a pResident who is a dry drunk and drug user. Possibly still an active drug user.

    As for baseball, which in its professional manifestations is a grossly overrated “game” [ducks as hard objects and elderly tomatoes come flying in from all directions], anyone who is shocked, shocked by reports of drug use among its players must be living on a different planet.

    Our entire culture promotes the use of drugs. But you’re supposed to limit use to the drugs that are sold by large corporations at huge markups.

    • Viet71 on December 14, 2007 at 02:03

    Many in the U.S. today believe it is OK to lie, cheat, steal, obstruct, become obese, get away with anything.  Everyone does it.

    There is an acceptance of all this.

    • Robyn on December 14, 2007 at 03:41

    …on performance enhancing drugs.

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