Pony Party : Third Edition

My mother has always had a flair for arts and crafts. When I was a a kid she sewed, she knitted and did crochet work. She had a loom and belonged to a weaving group. She is a veteran of craft fairs. When I wanted to earn extra money she would front me the cash to bake tons of fudge and I would sell it along side her stuff.

Her carpel tunnel nixed the sewing and crochet work. Now she makes homemade soap in wonderful scents and flavors. Whenever I visit home, I come back with a stash. She also make gorgeous quilts and she has branched into managing bees and producing small amounts of honey.

No, I did not inherit the talent. I am now regretting not learning how to sew. I am toying with the idea of taking a local class. While I have no wish to go back to the good old days of womanhood, I think rampant consumerism has nullified the survival talents of women to keep a home operating. Many young women I work with don’t even really know how to cook! One thing my mother notes when she goes to craft shows is the way people are eager to buy her soap because it is not expensive but they complain endlessly about the price of her quilts. They simply, she concludes, really have no idea just how much labor goes into the creation of one. We really are divorced from owning our own labor and controlling the means of production. Mom might not make a lot of money doing this but *she produced it herself*. She conceived it herself. She owns the idea. We have become consumerized out of being self sufficient. We think we have no need for it. Who knows if there will be a future in which we will be proved wrong?

On a cheery, less ranty note, I went with a friend to a local arts festival and was pleasantly surprised to see very little junk art ( stick people with walnut heads carrying funny signs ect) and a wide array of talent. Since I love trying to take pictures naturally I bought…. photographs. Mr. undercovercalico rolled his eyes.

Here are a few pictures of my day.

I thought this bear might look good hanging out on the living room floor but I had already spent what I had alloted myself.


I think this might have been a turtle ottoman.


Various displays….







Artist at work….


No idea who these lovely young ladies were but interesting, the minute I pointed my camera a few of them grabbed the opportunity for a smile even though they had no idea who I was…


This guy was just cute…


This is Memphis so you have to have music…


Last pony party of the day. Hang out, chit chat, but don’t rec the pony party. Go check out the wonderful offerings elsewhere on the recent and recommended list.


    • RiaD on November 11, 2007 at 00:26

    I make and sell my version of baby quilts & shams (more like applique, but not really) so I know all too well about how much you make on those. BUT its something that someone might have for years & years… I find great satisfaction in that.

    the one that got me started:

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    All parts of the rooster is chicken printed material; impossible to see, but that is a carrot field the rooster is crowing over…and he did eventually get embroidered feet!

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