Pony Party: Daylight Saving No More!

Light Emitting Pickle here to bring you the most recent open thread. First, a few words about Pickle Pony Parties:

Please do not recommend a Pony Party when you see one.  There will be another along in a few hours.

Yesterday, my hubby and I decided to take a long trek around the city. We embarked at 10:15 (or so we thought), stopping for a quick breakfast. After what felt like several hours of walking, realized that we were both hungry and that that we should stop for lunch. After lunch, I noticed a clock that read 11:55. “That’s funny,” I thought, “It feels at least an hour later. Maybe that clock is wrong.” Befuddled, we continued on our walk. Within an hour, I saw another clock that read 12:45. Clearly, the first clock was correct.

Later on, we ended up at the public market to buy veggies and pasta for dinner. My husband noted that it was probably close to 4 pm already; I said, “No way – it can’t be later than 2:30.” He replied that he’d seen a clock in the lunch restaurant that indicated it was almost 1 pm. Recall that around the same time I had seen a clock that indicated it was about 12 pm. Fortunately, it only took us a few moments to realize that daylight savings had ended. So, somehow, despite knowing about the end of DST, we still managed to forget.

Anyone else as dilly silly as we were?


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  1. That extra hour of sleep is great!

  2. because I can’t remember the sequence of buttons to push to change it. I look at it and think oooh, later than I thought…wait no.. earlier than I thought. i have to go on line and look up a manual for this thing to quit torturing myself.

    • psyched on November 5, 2007 at 22:43

    The only reasonable solution to these problems is to keep Daylight Saving Time on all year round. Who needs Standard Time? Standard Time is so… standard. We need deluxe Daylight Saving Time. And now a study has found that changing back to Standard Time results in the deaths of 200 additional pedestrians. (See most of the MSM outlets Nov. 4)

    For at least a year during World War II, the U.S. was on War Saving Time, with the clocks advanced 2 [two!] hours, all year round. I must admit, however, that it was a little weird.

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