Point of Personal Privilege?

Having been “called out”–not once, but twice–by an essayist here this (yesterday) evening (Eastern Standard Time), I would like to respond.  I do so with good will, in good faith, and in support of the guiding karma that has made this site so special to me/us.

First, how I was called out:

“Heh (0.00 / 0)

BTW, there is a cowardly racialist shithead posting here named Faheyman who is scared to comment but is having fun downratig me in another thread.  

Hey Faheyman, scared to defend yourself with words? Get some spine Faheyman.”

by: Armando @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 at 12:29:38 PST


Faheyman? Really? (4.00 / 2)

I haven’t been watching…

I have to say, I whenever I downrate someone, I let them know why, unless it’s brain-numbingly obvious.

What I hate, is when people stand by not saying anything when they agree with you.

That’s part of the reason I left Dkos, apart from the Dem betrayal…I put myself out there and got TR’d to hell sometimes for sticking up for my views, and in a community of thousands, did anyone come in and at least lend a word of support?

by: TheManWithAPoint @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 at 12:39:22 PST


I do not give a fuck about the downrate (4.00 / 2)

or hidden comments or whatever.

Let him come and explain himself here.

by: Armando @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 at 12:41:08 PST

[boldface added]

Dear Essayist, you do not know me.  So a little by way of background here:

I grew up in the slums/ghetto/barrio of Washington, DC, in the 1950s/1960s.

In my Catholic elementary school, as in my neighborhood, 1/3 of the kids were White; 1/3 of the kids were Black; and 1/3 of the kids were Hispanic.

I spent far too many of my formative years trying to escape the Black kids, who were trying to kick my ass.  And I hated those Black mother-fuckers for making my life miserable.

But, somewhere along the line, I realized that their hatred of me had nothing to do with me, Faheyman.  Those kids were acting out the hatred that they grew up with in a perverted, White-centric culture where African-Americans had been brought here as slaves, abused and misused, for centuries.

Did I actually internalize/intellectualize it that way?  No.  But I finally figured it out.  And I have long-since grown to appreciate the multicultural milieu I grew up in…even though that entailed an occasional ass-whipping or fight-or-flight maneuver on my part.

So please, spare me the “sensitivity training.”  Or do you want me to buy a ticket on your “Boo-hoo Express,” cuz someone, somewhere, sometime, somehow dissed you, fucked with you or otherwise hurt you?

Welcome to the club.

Now, as for the “bi-polar”…  I think it could possibly be useful for others of our brothers and sisters here who have suffered from depression/bi-polar to learn from my experience.

After more than 20 years of therapy/psycho-pharmacology, trial and error, I have blessedly found relief with a daily regimen of 30mg Cymbalta and 20mg Lexapro.  This after two, one-week, stints in the “R&R camp” (if you catch my drift).

So, fear not, fellow depressed/bi-polar persons–things CAN get better!  Also, I take Omega-3 Fatty Fish Oil every day to prevent heart disease (my grandfather and uncle both died of massive coronaries at age 49–I’m 55, on gravy time!). Interestingly, Omega-3-Fatty Fish Oil has also been recently found to ameliorate bi-polar–but the jury is still out on that one.

And so, in closing… Buhdyman has created a great, good-vibrations place where we can hang out.  So let’s not drop turds in the punch bowl, please.

I said as much to Buhdyman earlier today with this comment:

Bad Karma” Alert! (2.00 / 2)

“So we need as loud of a voice as possible…and we need new ways to present our positions clearly and simply. …and to move the candidates AND to promote some form of unity…”

We must yell louder, but yell with good will, if unity (solidarity and united action) is the goal.  To wit…

I came across this comment on the front page earlier today:

[hidden comment] Fuck you (0.00 / 2)

Fuck you you racist bastard!

Hey Buhdy. Fuck this guy.’

Fuck this piece of shit racist.

by: Armando @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 at 05:48:50 PST

This particlar diarist routinely spreads extremely bad karma on your site.  And, since he’s a frequent front-pager, this happens all too often.

He resorts to name-calling (not to mention basic rudeness).

I don’t get it.  It’s more appropriate for the Planet Orange crowd, IMHO.  I thought I had found a refuge from that kind of shit over here.

(Also, thanks for uprating my diary.  You’re too kind.)


But I also said this:

It’s your site, Buhdy… (4.00 / 1)

…and I will always respect that.  And I’ll have to defer to you, as you and he obviously have a long-standing relationship.

As for,

“If you approach him with a modicum of respect and honesty you might be surprised at the outcome.”

I’ll pass (respectfully) on that one, as I have learned–from personal experience here–he doesn’t seem to dig that “respect” is a two-way street.

Best for me to avoid him.  If I don’t play in his sandbox, I won’t keep getting sand thrown in my eyes.

Good on you for this site, Buhdyman.  What you have undertaken here is truly heroic (in terms of leadership, fellowship, good karma, time, effort, dedication, patience, money/resources etc.).


So, I’m afraid the “bad vibrations” might be overtaking this site, for whatever resaon.  And this site is still in its infancy.  Let’s not strangle it in the cradle!

Peace to yuz ALL!


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    • Faheyman on November 28, 2007 at 09:13

    …at least here?

  1. gathered here that did not fit into any other on-line category.  It is good that we question each other.  

    The problem is we have to do so in a public manner rather than hashing things out first.  Which is the main difference between blogs and newspapers.

    How do we make use of this groups energy?

    OTB has the outline made, Buhdy posted it.  Pick an area you are most familiar with and start contributing.  Make sure you use proper tags on the blog so that we can find your posts when putting the wiki together.

    I’ll join in again when I have some more time.

    • pfiore8 on November 28, 2007 at 10:09

    you’re a sweet soul…  

    • Tigana on November 28, 2007 at 13:09

    😉 Stay cool, Faheyman!

    • Armando on November 28, 2007 at 14:46

    When you ask for Karma when I counter ATTACk against accusations of being a racist and a race abiter.

    This site is filled with phonies of your stripe.

    pf8 is among the biggest.

    Spare me your kumbaya and live up to your so called principles.

    I find this diary utterly dishonest.

    Frankly, I find this community to be largely dishonest.

    • kj on November 28, 2007 at 18:35

    what I learned yesterday is that accusing someone of race baiting is just as egregious as calling someone a racist. I didn’t see it at first or even on the second read, but it was there.

    I read where Night Owl is looking to see why what was said was taken so hard, and I think once past all this fire and smoke, that is something we might all be able to discuss and understand.

    After all, What Would Jimi Do?   @;-)

  2. Peace to yuz ALL!

    Love you, man.

    To her dying day, my mother talked about starting in a class for the retards when she first entered school.  All the others were Hispanics, who spoke little or no English.  

    She couldn’t seem to communicate with them at all.

    Maybe it was because she only spoke Finnish.  Shame she couldn’t get to know good people well.

    Some people don’t think Finns speak at all.

    This ethnic warfare is disheartening to me.  There are great people everywhere.  Maybe even Finland.

    Thanks again, mi amigo.

    Best,  Terry

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