Just one line

As Ogonowski gained traction in recent polls, Tsongas fought back by linking him to the Bush administration and the Iraq war.

From Democrat wins Massachusetts seat in House

No Bush administration, no Iraq war = no victory for Democrats?  Is this why Pelosi delayed and delayed?  The Tsongas/Ogonowski battle was indeed a testing of the waters for both sides.  Have the leaders of the Democratic Party really endangered the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and American Soldiers for mere political purposes rather than to take a principled stand on an illegal war?

I’d rather see the Democrats lose horribly and our troops come home than the other way around.  Has the leadership not considered the near future where Democrats will be responsible for illegal houses of torture and undisclosed internment camps?  It’s a lot easier to stir up a hornet nest  than it is to settle one down.  I wonder how many people will be tortured and killed between now and when the Democrats win their political power play.  I wonder what their families will think of Democrats that stalled while strangers took pot shots at their loved one.

How many innocent civilians were offed during your visit to Iraq Nancy?  Did you thank the good guys for blowing those innocent bastards away?  How many rat infested cages will you be cleaning up for ol’ Georgy Boy for fear they will reflect badly on you?

You have no moral authority.  You never had it.


  1. May as well repeal the 22nd amendment, so the Democrats can always run against Bush.

    Really, Pelosi and Reid are running Congress planning on 2008 elections. Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney are running the country so there are no 2008 elections.

    I’m sure Rudy’s pal Mukasey as AG will keep any election in 2008 fair… Right?

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