My note to Teddy’s email

I don’t even remember when I was still hopeful–read naive–enough to have signed up for email “updates” from this group. Just hadn’t bothered to unsubscribe till tonight. But after wasting 2 hours of my life when I should have been working instead of watching the eight dwarves “debate,” I go to my activism-dedicated email account and find yet another request from these crooks for a donation to “the cause.” They did one thing right: On the unsubscribe page, they asked and provided space for “Why are you leaving us?” Here’s my answer to them–knowing full well it won’t make any difference, but at least I got it out my system:

How DARE YOU ask us for money after the Dems’ abysmal performance? Failure not only to stand up to the Bu$h cabal and do the will of the majority, but further enabling him by the disgraceful capitulation on votes re FISA, funding the Iraq War, allowing the dire situation in New Orleans to continue, and this latest vote on Iran, just to hit the “highlights.” The biggest failure is also NOT LISTENING to the WILL OF THE MAJORITY–IMPEACH. We don’t care anymore about how many votes you do or do not have: You have the power and THE DUTY to institute investigations into this administration. You have THE DUTY to ENFORCE subpoenas. It’s become all too painfully clear to many of us that the Dems care no more for the American people than the Republicans. It’s despicable, and terrifying to know that we the people no longer have true representation, that our Constitution is in shreds, and the Bill of Rights long gone. This is NOT what my ancestors (going back to the Revolutionary War) and my father, his brothers, my mother’s sister, and my brother fought for from WWII to Vietnam. If I could leave this country and emigrate tomorrow, I’d be packing right now. But since I can’t, I’ll be around to help vote every single one of you out of Congress, starting with Pelosi and Reid. It’s time for the second American Revolution, and you can either be part of it or get the hell out of the way.

I urge anyone who might be getting these same emails to do the same. You can even crib my rant if you’d like. 😀  Wouldn’t that be great, if thousands of us began repeating the same talking points, just as they all do?

Yo, Democrats, MEME THIS!


  1. This is my first essay and I don’t know if I did it right. 😉  I wasn’t able to “publish” it without saving it first, and I wasn’t able to add tags. Help? Otherwise, have at me! Night

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