I’m going to be short again

Here’s a short, simple, message contact your Seantors and your Representitive BY PHONE. If you are represented by Democrats, call twice.

Tell them that you want an immediate end to the war. I don’t care what your specific preferred plan is for Iraq: the Congress has available to it only purse power–which members will use if so pressured by their constituents.

That’s your short message for the day!


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    • andgarden on September 13, 2007 at 22:38

    I think this is pretty important!

  1. and commandeer the telephone 😉

    ill call tomorrow as soon as the school buses leave!!

    ill call twice.

    one of my senators…well, i have his home number.  not sayin ill USE it….

  2. Though I have no idea how that is relevant

    • MsWings on September 13, 2007 at 23:43

    calls in the morning. I have no Dem reps, but the 3 stooges (Burr, Dole, Coble) are on speed-dial.

    I don’t have a preferred plan beyond GET THE HELL OUT – I kind of figure that’s for the military leaders (those who can lead – not the Bush-bot-yes-mens) to figure out.

  3. i’m getting my haircut tonight.

    but then, tomorrow, i shall hit the phones.

    end. this. travesty. now.

    thanks for the nudge to action, andgarden.

    • sharon on September 14, 2007 at 01:25

    would’ve without the nudge, but a little nudge is a good thing.

  4. and thought you were excitedly looking forward to osteoporosis in your later years. I was going to remind you about the cool upper-back hump that comes as a package deal with that reduction in height. Good luck attaining your dreams of calcium deficiency.


  5. are now on speed dial. And Pelosi’s SF office for good measure!

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