Announcing THUNDERDOME! (a potentially useless idea)

As I say, potentially useless but….

I want to offer it. Online debate is by nature choppy. For one main reason….no one has fully committed to debate. Even people who post a diary often just stop debating when the going gets rough.

The idea of REAL debates online has always intrigued me. So though it is by NO means compulsory, (even if someone challenges you (which, if they do I suggest you respond by laughing sneeringly at them and addressing them scornfully for being SO immature))I want it to be known that here at Docudharma we have a …..Thunderdome!!!

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If two people want to formally debate an issue ….with instant moderation, they can enter Thunderdome! I will be happy to moderate but will also be happy to bow out and be replaced by any AGREED upon moderator. Two wo/men enter, one wo/man leaves. The community can comment at will, but participants are encouraged to ignore the howling mob and concentrate on each other.

What SPECIFICALLY are the rules? Well….I challenge anyone here to the first THUNDERDOME to (help) decide them!

Or hell….anything else you want to debate me on! ( I do have the right to decline on subject, for instance asking me to debate any Math-related subject more advanced than fractions!)

Or…..we could just talk about it….


But as I say I have always wondered what would happen in an online…..THUNDERDOME!!!
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Pointless? Immature? MALE? ………yes, stipulated…..POTENTIALLY fun as opposed to completely useless? sure! why the hell not?


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  1. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    • Armando on September 23, 2007 at 04:15

    Buhdy you ignorant slut . . .

  2. i could put my kid through college selling beer to the spectators.

    • 3card on September 23, 2007 at 04:35

    Can the spectators throw beer from the stands, scream obscenities, or if sufficiently aroused jump onto the ice from the bench and start swinging sticks?

    • fatdave on September 23, 2007 at 04:41

    ” Shall we to Hampton Court my Linnet? ‘Tis said there is a Chainsaw Deathmatch in the Maze this very forenoon.”

    I don’t know what a Thunderdome is. I suspect it is not a place for the timid.

    • Robyn on September 23, 2007 at 04:52

    You broke de front page margin a bit, I theenk.

  3. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  4. your pic is messing with the margins.  width=too much.

    Do you want me to try and fix it or do you want to give it a shot?

    • snud on September 23, 2007 at 04:58

    Free Image Hosting at
    I’m sure these two Rhodes Scholars are debating whether light is a wave or a particle.

    • fatdave on September 23, 2007 at 05:01

    You didn’t indicate to the contrary so here’s a song about fighting….

    • MTmofo on September 23, 2007 at 05:11

    I’m a mass debater. 😉

  5. Pass the popcorn 🙂

  6. have two simultaneous streams. 

    One for the debaters and moderator–and one for the mob (me included).

  7. “Bust a deal and face the wheel.”

    Also from Thunderdome.

    • Twank on September 23, 2007 at 05:56

    (Psst!  Folks.  This is a suggestion from the … BOSS, … the LANDLORD  of this berg.  These types are NOTORIOUSLY insecure and unpredictable.  AND he can make your life a living HELL if you sneeze the wrong way.

    Play it safe.  Regardless of what you REALLY think of the idea, tell him it’s the greatest thing since internet porn.  Lie your ass off.  These types are SOOOOOO STUPID that they never catch on.

    Watch this.  Here I go!)

    GREAT idea duco-whatever!  Best idea I’ve heard in years.  How do you come up with these FANTASTIC ideas?  Does Stephen Hawkings know about you?  What is your IQ anyway?  Can they even guage it with normal testing?  God, I’m glad YOU run this place!

    (See how easy it is?) 

  8. I’ve come to believe that there’s only really a market for three community blogs: the one leading the charge in the political arena; the one that provides a completely unmoderated community for the banned or “undesirables;” and the one that tries to strike a middleground between these two, focusing primarily on providing a nourishing community.  Daily Kos has had the first sown up for years, PFF is pretty well established as the second, and the third is a constant battle between, among other sites, BooTrib, MLW, NION, and, yes, Docudharma.

    Reductive as it may seem, I think there’s some pretty good evidence for what I’ve just proposed.  Witness, for instance, how the creation of MLW gutted traffic at BooTrib, and how DD has already reduced NION to a hollow shell with hardly any posts.  The major objection would be that sites like MyDD, TalkLeft, and Open Left have continued to flourish as community blogs, driving traffic and cash to their proprietors.  True, but to what extent are these sites actual community blogs?  No one goes to TalkLeft to read anything other than Jeralyn and Armando; no one goes to Open Left to read anyone other than Chris, Matt, and Mike.  MyDD’s seen a stunning decrease of meaningful content on the FP since Chris and Matt’s departure, and it’s basically become a DU-style forum, not a community in any meaningful sense.  And of course there’s space for niche community blogs like my own site and Blue House Diaries (which serves a pre-set community of commenters); however, these sites tend to gravitate toward either the group blog model, with a set stable of writers (mine), or toward a chat room style (BHD).

    So…tell me I’m wrong.  Tell me that the “let a hundred flowers bloom” proliferation of community blogs hasn’t resulted in only three healthy plants.

  9. GREAT idea duco-whatever!  Best idea I’ve heard in years.  How do you come up with these FANTASTIC ideas?  Does Stephen Hawkings know about you?  What is your IQ anyway?  Can they even guage it with normal testing?  God, I’m glad YOU run this place!

  10. Why shouldn’t Texas be allowed to declare its independence.

    you vs me


      • MTmofo on September 23, 2007 at 05:10

      One for pumpkins and one for pies?

    1. Just saying… my mom is from Delaware…

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