Tag: Keith Olbermann

Bill Moyers Journal: Keith Olbermann!!!

This is quite an enjoyable interview!

Sioux Scalp Needs Coverage by Olbermann

If someone had told me that someone would be selling a Sioux scalp online on the 143rd Anniversary of the Sand Creek Massacre; I would have hoped, “Surely nobody would be that barbaric and seeped in genocide denial.” Right? Wrong.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(Photos will be deleted after the scalp is in the proper tribal hands. For verification only)

Olbermann’s contact information

Crossposted at Native American Netroots

I Want Olbermann to Cover Pretty Bird Woman House

Olbermann’s contact information

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Artwork by Tigana.

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of the main television media ignoring American Indian issues in general, and I’m even more sick and tired of conservative personalities spewing their racist venom towards American Indians. I think Olbermann would cover the critical issue of Pretty Bird Woman House if he were asked to by enough of us, but let’s look at some spewing of racist venom towards American Indians by conservative personalities first after a generalized observation of mine.

Crossposted at Native American Netroots

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