Welcome to Canuckistan

noblesse oblige pachter

A lot of progressives mention a desire to come to Canada.

Doing this can take a bit of time and effort, but it is pretty simple.  

Reposted from the Big Orange

How to get residency in Canada

How do you get legal residency in Canada?

1. Buy land. Land can be very cheap (Crown Land). Establish the land as your principal residence – for

6 months a year – (perhaps with a cabin or trailer), and after three years you are a citizen and Elizabeth

II is your Auntie.

2. Apply to bring in a business. There is a fee – about $1000 Canadian – to do this, and a wait. If you have a family, there is a fee per head – I think $750 Cdn per person. The Chinese have been doing this for years, and apparently no one has ever been refused.

3. Buy a business in Canada.

Ways not recommended at present:

1. Claim refugee status.

2. Marriage.

Of course, if Bush’s plan to unify North America succeeds, there won’t be a Canada, or a Mexico. To see why Canadians are alarmed by the Security and Prosperity Partnership, go to



Government of Canada


About Crown Land


No Beast So Dumb As Man

a Docudharma exclusive

I woke up this morning recovering from the flu, still weak and vaguely feverish.  I haven’t written much lately and feel the need to do so.  Where to begin, the cold-blooded murder of peace-loving monks in Myanmar, the outrageous crimes of our own outlaw government, the shameful bastards in our do-nothing congress, the back-stabbing republican-lite democrats, the hot air from our ‘leaders’ on global warming, war profiteering as the new national pastime, the black-hearted evil of the military-industrial-congressional-media complex, the armies of lying blowhards on the TeeVee, the Halliburton detention centers being constructed across the country for the detention of ‘potential terrorists’ (such as bloggers, demonstrators, peace activists, and real democrats), national indignation at silly newspaper ads while the killing and dying goes on unimpeded – so much horror and madness, so little time.

Weakened and overwhelmed by the harsh realities of the day, I am reduced to communicating via art and poetry.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night

~ from Howl by Allen Ginsberg, 1955

Our generation has seen
The vicious rape of the American Dream
From deep inside our hallowed core
They festered, boiled
Plotted and schemed
Clawing and grasping
Dark and deranged
There is no evil we say these days
Yet evil remains


I’m feelin’ low and singin’ the blues.  Sometimes you have to do that though…sort of take inventory and mourn that which is lost.

We have seen the greatest minds of our generation
Reduced to madness from fear and greed
Poets, priests and angelheaded hipsters
Shot down like dogs
On melancholy streets


If today were the final exam for humanity, I think we have to admit we would not do well.  We’re still blowing each other to hell and doing so gleefully, mistreating each other shamefully, acting like fools.  The many advances made by humankind seem to have made little or no difference.  We still feel justified in ruthlessly taking what we want from others by force of arms.  We still voluntarily indulge in the abomination of war.  We are still little better than barbarians.  We don’t even measure up to our own minimum standards.  We are a failure.


One would think that history would be instructive.  One would think that we’d eventually learn to act in our own best interest as a species.  If we were to do that we’d be focused on survival and sustaining life as opposed to mutual annihilation and the destruction of life.  We seem amazingly boneheaded if you ask me.  Will we ever learn?


My next post will be more upbeat, I promise.

Peace out!


Stop Blaming Democrats in Congress!

(This was originally posted earlier on DKOS and slightly altered)

It’s not that I’m sick of hearing how the Dems are selling out and all that–it’s always good to vent, to express yourself and so on. But here’s my beef: enough already! We know the score or should by now–nothing wrong with a little ranting but at this point let’s rant creatively and in an entertaining way rather than constantly expressing the obvious.

People in Congress are there to respond to realpolitikal conditions they see–that’s their expertise. They are not in their position because they are philosophers, mystics, men and women of letters, common ordinary folks–don’t expect them to “do the right thing” that’s not how the world has ever worked except on rare occasions. In a few instances men (usually) of extraordinary abilities got together and made sine little miracles that change history. Our own country was founded by these extraordinary characters. The last three political leaders that had that kind of stature were John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King; true, they all had flaws but they were extraordinary human beings that would have set the groundwork for a very different society than the Bush family and others have created.

Politics is a very dangerous game and you have to be careful who you cross and who you ally yourself with. If the progressive/liberal community could rid itself of the notion that there are Jefferson Smiths (character in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington one of the best political films of all time)in Congress and begin understanding that the role of Congress is to broker power not make policy. If only this community could understand that political power is not about making an intellectual case for one policy or another and hope to convince anybody but, rather, to make common action with your fellows through organizing and pooling community resources such that the power brokers will take notice. By that I mean you have to be able to kick some ass “on the street”, i.e. make life impossible unless you get your way like AIPAC does, like the Miami Cubans do or used to do, like the bankers and big corporate interests, or like labor unions once did (they literally fought in the streets) then you’d see Waxman, Pelosi, Conyers start to move. Right now they are weighing the cost-benefits and frankly the progressives don’t seem worth worrying about because they simply do not have the intestinal fortitude (despite all the endless rhetoric in the blogosphere) to put their asses on the line and force (not plead, not request, but force) Congress to take action. That’s all those people are supposed to do–they respond to force, that’s their job.

We should be thankful that we in the loose combination of tribes that usually vote Democratic have a Congress that is somewhat dominated by the Democrats. But don’t expect them to flail about armed with your emails and telephone calls and try to battle really powerful interests that are, in fact, more powerful than most people seem to understand.

The neocon movement was no accident–they made alliances, worked hard, plotted, schemed, broke laws, took chances, made deals, made threats, carried a few out and so on. That is politics. I’m sorry, politics is not, I repeat, not what you learned in high school civics class. Left politics is difficult because it means real sacrifice, it means being willing to draw lines in the sand, to be willing to get cracked over the head like so many experienced in the Labor and Civil Rights movements. It means foregoing your comfortable middle-class life and forming collectives, it means arguing with each other face-to-face over tactics, being careful about tactics and strategy–I don’t think, for example, that street demonstrations or street fighting is useful at this time–it’s just a sign of impotence. The ability to boycott to provide an economic alternative, provide clinics, insurance, jobs, cultural centers for people is a far more powerful thing to do–in short, to provide alternatives and to display prowess at doing so–ultimately it is that which attracts people (and if you are single that will attract the better sort of mate to put it less bluntly than I could). I saw this work in Italy with the Communist Party (which, in the 70’s was basically a progressive party not a soviet-style party) they were broken by the Aldo Moro kidnapping which happened under highly suspicious circumstances–but for a while it worked fairly well–I met and liked several mid-level Party members who were public officials I found them very thoughtful but realistic.

Of course our country is unique and I’m not suggesting we copy anybody rather that we understand history and political reality better and not be “shocked” at corruption and the sleazy nature of politics–it is sleazy  and that’s how the game is played. The left in America is too in love with its ideals to be effective–so, again, don’t blame Congress for doing its job.

2008 is too late.