What Comes After Outrage?

We saw an election stolen, the will of the people denied.  And in the aftermath we saw every progressive and humane aspect of government subverted.  And we were outraged.

We saw the great City of New York attacked and even as people all around the world united in sympathy and gave help, criminals who had stolen power planned to go to war with the wrong enemy.  And we were outraged.

We saw the social apparatus of our nation subverted and prostituted to engender mistrust and hatred towards anyone who would speak the truth.  And we were outraged.

We saw a bloody war, an illegal war of aggression, spiral out of control, with “collateral damage” so high that it astounds the senses, hurts unbearably, as at the same time we saw our wounded soldiers untreated and abused by the very ones with power that sent them to this war.  And we were outraged.

We saw the great City of New Orleans and the lovely Gulf Coast drowned and allowed to remain damaged, people treated like animals, again the hate unleashed by the criminals in power through a deranged media absorbed by its own profits and fears of retaliation by those very criminals.  Whatever good reporters there may have been were quickly subsumed by corporate edits of complicity and kowtowing.  And we were outraged.

We saw our rights being sold down the river, our own Democratic representatives so far removed from reality as to not even make a gesture towards real opposition to these criminals who have stolen power in America and destroyed our unity as a nation.  And we were outraged.

We saw our justice system perverted beyond recognition, honest men and women punished for doing their jobs, laws against the weakest of us enforced with savagery and contempt for the simple basics of humanity, from poor folks with no health care to undocumented migrants being treated no differently than terrorists at Gitmo, to folks from public housing in New Orleans being forced into exile from their homes, their lives, exile and death, and oh, we were outraged.

And we saw a courageous man in Congress being forced to recant his words and apologize to appease the powers that still retain their dark hold over this country, even though the only powers left are those of destruction and fear and greed.

And I am no longer outraged.  No.  Nor am I shamed.  My eyes are wide open now and I am not outraged nor ashamed.

I am resolved.  My gaze is now level rather than rolling in terror and anger.  I know this misAdministration for what they are and I know what they will do.  I know our Democratic leadership for what they are as well, and they have made it clear what they will do.

This war must end.  And this crew of criminals in the Executive Branch need to be removed from office.  I know this.  And I know that our present leadership, in both parties, have not made a commitment to doing either of these things.

I don’t blame anyone here for how they are now reacting to this reality.  For those who feel they must leave the party, I have no words of censure.  For those who will stay and fight for the party, I have no complaint.  For those who must continue to yell, I have no need for refutation.

I am united with anyone who is against this misAdministration.  I am united with all my brothers and sisters across this nation who see what is going on, and I will support all who oppose these criminals and their enablers.  I will support in any way I can all my neighbors who help each other, from the terror attacks in New York City to the floods on the Gulf Coast to the terrible firestorms in California.

I have no more outrage, feel no more shame.  What was done to Rep. Stark has shown me there is no longer any reason to respect those who have been charged with leading our nation.  They are simply human beings who have been unable, for whatever reason, to do the right thing.  They are not even worth my outrage.

I will focus my attention from now on to those who are able to do the right thing, from whatever walk of life they travel, powerful or with no power at all.  I am resolved.  I am not outraged and I am not ashamed.

The Path to Victory w/poll