Category: Community

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XXII

You study, you learn, but you guard the original naivete. It has to be within you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within the lover.

— Henri Matisse



Each conclusion

is an initiation

a fold in the fabric

our our spacetime

One phase

passes into another

a relationship ends

another begins

creasing our stories

writing our narratives

in the available media

The wrinkled origami

thus formed

is a life

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–February 21, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XXI

No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.

— Helen Keller


Performance Art

A life is a play in many acts

each day a new scene

Sometimes one is the actor

and sometimes the script

but a life only attains

full measure or meaning

when one assumes

the role of director

–Robyn Elaine Serven
–November 30, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XX

Sit down before facts like a child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.

– Thomas Huxley



An individual’s fate

consists of the place

time and circumstances

that attended birth

What comes after

is the result

of decisions

myriad choices

made by everyone


hosts of checkboxes

billions and billions

of option buttons

an uncountable multitude

of drop-down boxes

to select from

Hardest of all

are the open-ended


Luck is the word we use

to describe the fact

that we have no idea

how the conglomeration

of these choices

will affect the lives

of everyone

at least most of the time

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–April 13, 2006

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XIX

One never goes so far as when one doesn’t know where one is going.

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A Glint in the Eye


Prize not rare objects

So that the people shall not steal

–Tao te Ching, (tr. Lin Yutang)

You ask what you can give me

What I wish for is beyond

your power to give

I wish for the universal

for peace, harmony, understanding

for commonality of purpose

for empathy, sympathy, compassion

to fill every heart

For myself I wish only time

for the years until these exist

not simply as a list of wishes

and to keep my senses

so that I will see them

when they arrive

and hear them

when they have voice

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–December 12, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XVIII

Presumption must be quenched even more than a fire.

– Heraclitus

Garnet with Inlay


The Giant Leap of Mankind

promised but not delivered

when Man stepped on the Moon

cannot be consummated

’til socially conscious thoughts

ideas of peace and good will

of justice and honesty

of fair play and courtesy

have more value than gemstones

and other shiny baubles

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 14, 2006

Revolution Through Good Vibrations?

This feels like a crazy time. Almost nothing political in this country seems to make sense. I feel a little crazy too. Maybe this whole diary is nuts but it comes from my heart.

I think there are reasons for this crazy time here are a few of them:  

  1. There is little correlation between what is reported in the mainstream media and anything we might agree to call “reality”. This fact is true because there has been a deliberate attempt to mislead the public through mind-control techniques which are partly engineered and has partly emerged from the logic of public relations and advertising.
  2. We have,right now, a population that is, for the most part, addicted to “entertainment” and amusements almost as if they were the essence of life. This creates a need for meaning as a matter of fantasy. If it feels cool then it is true or desirable. We take positions on public policy, for example, based on messages from our lower brain. While this is normal for human beings the fact that the stakes are so high right now makes this a catastrophe. We are headed for a world described by the movie Idiocracy
  3. Those people who ought to know better and who have had a liberal education and are reasonably cultured have lost, as Yeats said, “lost all conviction.” In other words the educated are dealing with the influence of modernism and the scientific view of the world where you cannot, by definition, be convinced of anything. You must hold all judgement until you have all the facts and it is hard to know when that point arrives. So the point gets pushed somewhere far away and that becomes a habit. Ultimately this form of modernism is value-neutral. It is hard for a modernist or post-modernist to say “here I stand” even when the question is to abolish the modernist project. This can be seen by the astonishing quiet on the part of the American intelligentsia (other than derision and wry asides, with some notable exceptions) in the face of several decades of active and unrelenting work on the part of the right to institute a return to religious fundamentalism, American Exceptionalism and feudalism with all its comforting certainties.

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XVIII

If you don’t ask ‘Why this?’ often enough, someone will ask, ‘Why you?’.

– Tom Hirshfield

Being Different

Being Different

No words

from me

the pain


The words

your mind

and soul


–Robyn Elaine Serven

–November 2, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XVI

The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within.

– Mahatma Gandhi

Design #3


Words are labels

Without words

we cannot


Labels for people


There is Us

There is Them

If our Us

becomes too small

we feel afraid

lonely, unloved

Some react

by pointing out

some other label:

At least I’m not one of Them

Being Not Them

people feel like part

of a larger Us

Down this path is bigotry

All the Us/Thems

Put together divide us

each into our own

separate little box

Is this isolating

leading to depression

thoughts of suicide

or is it empowering?

Us/Them is actually

Me/Everyone Else

but that is

the same for everyone

just individual



all around

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–October 26, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XV

People only see what they are prepared to see.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

4 by 4

           Four Freedoms

    Franklin proclaimed them

      to us in 1941

    Norman drew them

      for us in 1943

    We have lived our lives

      in search of them

    They are our most deeply

      held convictions

    Four are the freedoms

    and the freedoms are for

    all humans everywhere

    They are the goal

    Freedom of Speech

      Free to talk
        and hear
      Free to write
        and read
      Free to teach
        and learn
      Free to create
        and experience

    Freedom to Worship

      whomever or no one
        whatever or nothing
      whenever or never
        wherever or nowhere
      however or not at all
        why ever or for no reason
      the religion, philosophy, or ethos
        the faith or belief we choose

    Freedom from Fear

      of oppression and brutality
        by tyrants or despots
        by bullies or demagogues
      of killing and slaughter
        because of nationality or religion
        because of race or culture
      of disease and corruption
        of bodies or minds
        of institutions or leaders
      of rape and torture
        of people or nature
        of wallets or souls

    Freedom from Want

      of food
        and drink
      of lodging
        and warmth
      of work
        and self-worth
      of respect
        and value

    These are our values

      or so I was taught

    So what the fuck

      is happening to us now





    It is

      time for
          to go

    Help me

      take back
        this land
          from them

        –Robyn Elaine Serven
         –December 23, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XIV

Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.

— Thomas Dewar

Narrow Passage


All war does

is spread

more war

Stopping the fighting

by means of war


just encourages

people to fight

someplace else


they have learned

how to kill


–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 13, 2007

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XIII

I had an immense advantage over many others dealing with the problem in as much as I had no fixed ideas derived from long-established practice to control and bias my mind, and did not suffer from the general belief that whatever is, is right.

— Henry Bessemer

The Dark Side of Redworld

An Ocean of Blood

A drip of blood

from one perspective

unless its yours

or mine

It falls on the ground

in the highest places

in the villages of Nepal

where blood runs cold

it trickles down

the mountainside

through far Kashmir

into Afghanistan

staining the banks of the streams

that carve the hidden valleys

and splash into the rivers

staining them too with the blood

of guilty and the innocent alike

ever downward through

the desert of Iraq

There are other mountains

in Bosnia and Kosovo

where the blood also spilled

running eastward perhaps

through the valleys of Chechnya

and further on to color red

the desert of Uzbekistan

Blood also spilled in the jungles

of the Congo and Rwanda

and the oil plains of Nigeria

flowing into the rivers

ever onward

’til the rivers ran red

Here too the blood

eventually sank into the deserts

of Eritrea and Darfur

and the bazaars

of the Sudan and Somalia

The desert is stained

with blood

The bloody fist of oppression

squeezes the life

out of the jungle of Myanmar

and the farms of Zimbabwe

The mountains

of Peru and Columbia

add more than their share

The Big Muddy is stained

as it passes by what

used to be the Big Easy

but it’s sure not easy anymore

and the rivers run red with blood

carrying it to the ocean

an ocean of blood

bathing our world

Our home is built

on the blood of others

yet still we add more

or stand by watching it run

Our home is sinking

as the blood-tainted

ocean rises

The blood will consume

us all in the end

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–December 26, 2005

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind XII

We all operate in two contrasting modes, which might be called open and closed. The open mode is more relaxed, more receptive, more exploratory, more democratic, more playful and more humorous. The closed mode is the tighter, more rigid, more hierarchical, more tunnel-visioned. Most people, unfortunately spend most of their time in the closed mode.

— John Cleese


The Bomb

I was born

with the airlift

food for life

human sustenance

We learned it early

They showed us

the films

parachuting food

Bring some pennies

I’ve forgotten what for

We have much to fear

The end is so near

The Bomb will fall

It will kill all

They taught us that


was a verb

how to bend over,

stick your head

between your knees

and kiss your

sweet ass


Please give a nickel

The Bomb will fall

It will kill all

We all know how

It’s any day now

And if you are caught

in the open

when it gets bright

get in a ditch

cover up

with cardboard

Teacher, Miss Teacher

Cardboard will burn

and me with it

Fork over a dime

We all know how

It’s any day now

We’re all going to die

The end is quite nigh


The bad Russian

triangle would fall

It was indubitably


The good USsian

triangle stood firm

It was statically


Donate a quarter

We’re all going to die

The end is quite nigh

Up went The Wall

It stood so tall

And we went two ways

Some of us

became fatalistic

trying desperately

to get on with our lives

Some of us are still afraid

And want nothing else

but for everyone

to share their fear

To the point where

it is precisely them

whom we fear

Up went The Wall

It stood so tall

We have much to fear

The end is so near

Where do I go

to get my life back?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–November 14, 2005

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