Author's posts

Holder, petitions, and reality

Edgar gives us the background on Holder.  Buhdydharma tells us about the petition sent to Holder.

Sorry to break the reality here, but, there will be nothing done.

So, this is what it has come down to…

After eight years of the Bush administration being wrong on everything they did, both overseas and at home, it comes down to this…

What is “this” you ask?

So why did oil drop so fast?

Not too long ago, I was paying $3.70 per gallon of gas.  Today, I am paying $1.40 per gallon of gas.  The price of petrol has dropped over half its price, and in only a few months.  

The big question is… why?

Why every Party is going to lose the middle

For those who remember me blogging on Daily Kos under the moniker “Motley Patriot”, you remember that I wrote quite a few articles on the importance of the Independent voter.

Well, for the past two elections, the Independents have soundly voted for the Democratic Party, and, for the past two elections, the Democratic Party has made huge gains.

Do you want to know why that is, not might, but is, going to change?

War Crime! War Crime!

War crime!  That is what it is being called — a war crime.  

While this case isn’t breaking or new, the wording that is used, has been used, today hit me like a brick.

He committed a war crime!  

When you put an idiot in charge

I know, you are wondering why I continually chose to write on Brad Warthan, VP and Editorial Page Editor at The State newspaper (the paper in my area).  Simply, to illustrate the thought process of those in charge of print in a GOP state — South Carolina — and, to provide comic relief, in a way.

So, here is more of what you get when you put an idiot in charge…

Teh stupid and ignorant

There are times when you read something and you wonder, “just how stupid can this person be?”

That the same person repeatedly makes stupid statements in an article doesn’t lessen the fact that they do so, but, only justifies the conclusion.  So, once again, I am here to highlight an article written by Brad Warthan of The State newspaper in South Carolina.

Feel free to it before reading on since my response to it is forthcoming…

The Constitution vs Religion for Thanksgiving

While many of our laws have reflected religious beliefs, not all religious beliefs were codified into law.  It is against the law to kill, but, it is not against the law to have another god before “Him”.  It is against the law to steal, but, it is not against the law if you dishonor your mother or father.  Out of the 10 Commandments, only 3 of the Commandments are codified into law; killing, stealing, and adultery.  Today, adultery has been reduced from a criminal act to a civil act leaving only two Commandments as criminal acts.  That hasn’t stopped the religious right, however, from trying to codify other religious beliefs into law.  Prop 8 is merely the latest attempt.

Cheney, Gonzales indictment: poisoning the well

The blogosphere is again buzzing; this time it’s because Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales were finally indicted.  The problem is that this indictment has one purpose and one purpose only; to poison the well in case of future such indictments.

How do we know this?  That’s the easy part…

Yes, there are people this stupid

As some of you know, every now and again, I take my local newspaper in South Carolina, The State, to task because it is run by idiots and ideologues.  Here is another of these times.

The State published a letter by Mr. Springs as a “guest columnist” entitled, “President Bush kept America safe”.

I have sent this letter in response to every person I could think of…

If they want it, let’s help them do it right!

The GOP seems bent on moving forward with 4 base issues: Limited Government, Sanctity of Life, Sanctity of Marriage, and Smaller Government.

So, I say we help them now that we have the majority needed to push these issues out to the forefront of the political realm for all the world to see.

Going into the future backwards

You’ve all seen the movie, “Back to the Future”, well, Obama is going into the future backwards.

We started hearing reports of who is being asked to do what; Rahm Emmanual for CoS, etc.

Well, we are getting more word now…

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