Midnight Thought on Why We Fight

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

It is not for:

  • a parochial devotion to our team colors
  • the thrill of the contest
  • the debasement of our adversaries
  • the adulation of crowds

We fight so those who cannot fight themselves, will one day be able to do so.

How Can You Sleep When Your Beds are Burning?

We are cranking up the heat on the climate, which is a heat engine. And we shall make more extremes of heat, more extremes of cold, more extremes of rain, more extremes of drought.

The earth shall be less hospitable than it has been since before we invented writing. And the old, old stories passed down by word of mouth about the great floods … if we don’t get to see that, our surviving children or grand-children will.

(And on a side note … the “Maverick” Republican who has been backtracking on his watered down, inadequate Global Warming plan, selects a Global Warming Denialist as his running mate)

We can not, now, refrain from cranking up the heat. All we can do is our best to ameliorate the damage.

And, yes, when the vested interests rise up in defense of their entrenched privileges and in denial of the massive damage that will be done if they are deferred to … we need to put our shoulders down and charge the hell through them.

Because the scope of the challenge will accept nothing less.

This is why we fight.

Well, one reason at least … a successful change coalition is a tapestry, and this is only one of the threads that must bind it together.

Midnight Oil – The Beds are Burning (Sydney, 2000)

How can we dance when our earth is turning

How do we sleep while our beds are burning

Four wheels scare the cockatoos

From kintore east to yuendemu

The western desert lives and breathes

In forty five degrees


    • BruceMcF on August 31, 2008 at 08:47

    The Midnight Oil is now lit, including the Midnight Oil Weekly Diary Roll

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