“Shared Sacrifice”??

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

“Shared Sacrifice”? WAR TAX NOW!!

Hearing: Examining the Lifetime Costs of Supporting the Newest Generation of Veterans

Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United States Senate 112th Congress, First Session Hearing Schedule Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:00 a.m.

Veterans and the Veterans Administration have been short changed for decades now, costing much more in fighting to catch up then if funded properly at the beginning and into, and throughout, our wars of choice, instead it’s easier for the people, their reps and some veterans to lay blame on the agency. Magnetic ribbons, wordy patriotic meme’s, flag waving and historic costumes, lapel flag pins and purple heart bandages is Not Sacrificing after Demanding the Soldiers and their Families do!!

FDR Has Words About Taxes – 1936. ‘Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle’

FDR: “To divide fairly among the people the obligation to pay for these benefits has been a major part of our struggle to maintain Democracy in America. Ever since 1776, that struggle has been between two forces; on the one hand there has been a vast majority of citizens who believe the benefits of democracy should be extended and who are willing to pay their fair share to extend them. And on the other hand, there has been a small but powerful group which has fought the extension of these benefits because they did not want to pay a fair share of their cost. That was the lineup in seventeen hundred and seventy-six and it’s the lineup today. And I am confident that once more, in nineteen thirty-six democracy in taxation will win. Here is my principle, and I think it’s yours too; Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.”

And now, that powerful extreme minority, “there has been a small but powerful group which has fought the extension of these benefits because they did not want to pay a fair share of their cost.” have accrued huge amounts of wealth, much in this past decade either directly or indirectly, through investments, in these two wars of choice, to fund their fight and pay off the parrots of their base. The tepubs in Congress don’t fear this phony tea party, the cheer leaders of the wars and rubber stamping on the credit card, they fear those funding it and them!!

Army plans to hire nearly 2,000 acquisition personnel to avoid wasting billions annually

The Army wasted more than $1 billion a year from 1996 to 2004 and more than $3 billion a year from 2004 through 2009 on major programs that eventually were canceled, according to a review of the service’s acquisition process released Thursday.

The 2010 report put the blame for the broken Army acquisition process on “erosion of the core competencies of the personnel responsible for the development of requirements and the acquisition of systems and services.”

Blistering Report on Army  Acquisitions 1990-2010

Much of it during the years of the all to quick tepub controlled ‘rubber stamp’ in congress, along with no over site nor regulating, as their tea party supporters cheered on the credit card spending and for the past couple of years have sung another tune!


    • BobbyK on July 26, 2011 at 07:45

    the Teapublicans keep on trying to sell might actually result in a War Tax.  It’s all just a bait and switch anyway. The tag team corptocracy will never allow real shared sacrifice.

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