Our Purpose – Beauty

The underlying and overarching purpose of this site is simple…perhaps even simplistic!

But rest assured, the simplistic sounding purpose of this space was not arrived at simplistically! It has been arrived at through, as they say, standing on the shoulders of giants. Ranging from ancient and modern Shamans to current quantum physicists, and arising from and comprising decades of research, observation, conversation, meditation, ceremony and some just pure goofing off in hammocks…this long thoughtful process, this distilling of (heh) all of the complexity and vagaries of eons human thought has brought us to this stunning conclusion: Beauty is good!

As is, in carefully measured quantities, hyperbolic mirth. (See preceding paragraph.)

None of us here claim to be authorities, experts, ascended beings, etc. We are not trying to convince or convert anyone of anything. We are just human beings who are paying attention during what we believe to be an evolutionary tipping point in human history.

Many, many other folks on our little blue planet seem to be paying attention too, and it seems as if most of the human race in general feels that “something is in the air.” From the Mayan Calender, to the allegedly imminent but oft-postponed Rapture, to the also constantly imminent but yet to arrive discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle (or as some refer to it the “God Particle”) in quantum physics, there is a sense that we are on the verge of……something.

Not to mention the growing evidence that not only is Climate Change real, but is here, now, and is affecting the very basics of human existence such as farming, the availability of water, increased desertification and acidification of the oceans…and by extension of all human commerce and thus the world economy….and the indisputable (except by certain parties that wish to continue to rake in short term profits) fact that it will only build and even accelerate as time goes on, and that we are not changing our world and our way of relating to nature anywhere near fast enough to keep up with, let alone mitigate or stop it….

The feeling of existential crisis that every generation seems to feel….seems to be more than a feeling…this time.

IF the scientists and Shamans are right and we are at, or nearing, the end of the period of human history where human existence and commerce is based on resource extraction and exploitation of the Planet and thus will have to….all of the somewhat ephemeral feelings of existential crisis aside for the moment…have to change our way of life and our way of relating to nature and each other, the question then inevitably arises.

How, then, DO we live?

In this new world, with the looming fact of climate change, a huge population, peak oil, increasing corporate “ownership” of the earths resources, and the coming resource wars that seem inevitable as the population increases and the resources we rely upon dwindle, and even more of human morality erodes in the face of a new (or age old) ethic of “survival of the fittest,” what can WE do to lead lives in harmony with the planet and with universal consciousness?

One thing we can do is to create beauty. Not just beauty on paper or online, but create lives of beauty.

It is our belief that the highest aspiration human beings can achieve is to create beauty. Why? Because we (and the quantum physicists and shamans) also believe that everything we see around us, all of nature, all of man, all of thought, action, and being itself is, underneath the illusions we ourselves create and perpetrate in order to deal with the fact of our existence, is nothing but waves (and/or particles!)of energy. Waves of energy all vibrating at different frequencies, and all of those frequencies vibrating together in harmony (and conflict)and interacting to create “The Known Universe.”

Frequencies of energy whose differences in vibration determine, along with our free will (the choice of our own vibrational frequency) who we are, how we perceive, how we react to, and how we create and manifest those energies into matter in “the real world”….by assigning them meaning, form, value and solidity.

Some particles/waves vibrate at a “low” frequency, and thus attract other low level vibrations to combine with, some vibrate at a higher frequency and thus attract other high level vibrations to combine with. These conglomerations of vibration, that can be described as potentialities, then combine with our energy vibration. These attracted accretions of energy exist all around us, but without specific form. Some are small and simple, such as sand. Others are large and complex….such as humans…like you.

We then, being human and somehow having been assigned this function, lol, presumably because we are very complex combination of higher vibrational frequencies. Complex enough, and vibrating at a high enough rate, to actually influence “reality,” and assign theses accretions and potentialities, through our interaction and perception of them, form, value, meaning and solidity.

IF this is true, and if we can look at a chair and simultaneously perceive that it is both a familiar solid object that will support our weight AND is also a combination of vibrating sub-atomic particles configured by their attraction to one anothers vibration AND by our choice to perceive it and to agree with others that this particular combination of vibrations should perform this function and should be called “a chair,” we then start to have a vague sense of the answer to that age old question…..why are we here.

We are here, well at least one reason we are here is to, as (perhaps) the highest and most complex combinations of vibrational frequencies that have yet to evolve, assign form, value, meaning and solidity to other combinations of vibrational frequencies….thus making them “real.”

We do this on the “physical plane,” by taking trees and transforming them into lumber, and then transforming the pieces of lumber into “chair parts,” and then by assembling the chair parts into a finished chair. But we also do it on the energetic plane, by taking the first step of “imagining” the thought of a chair….and then making it “real” through transforming potentialities into our perception of “chair” to manifest it onto the physical plane.

Humans are tasked with fulfilling that function, to first perceive (imagine) and then to  transform these semi-random aggregations of energy. To change them, by the very act of perceiving them, into a new and different vibrational frequency. And then to transform them into physical form.

We are then, at our essence and by our purpose, transformers and thus organizers of the energies of the universe. One might even go so far as to say that we are co-creators, with the universal consciousness (Which of course we are already a part of) of the “reality” we see all around us.

It can be said then that the “meaning of life” is a series of energy transformations, using the palette of our existence on the energy plane that we perceive of as “solid earth” as the method and medium to change, hopefully to increase, the frequency of our “individual” energy vibrations.  And in raising our vibration, raise the vibration of this plane of existence. And in raising the vibration of this plane of existence, to raise and transform the vibration of the universe in which it exists.

By doing this, by performing this function, we help the universe to exist, to grow, to expand. Because there are, when it comes right down to it, only two states of being: something and nothing. That which is the universe, and that which the universe is expanding into.

We are transforming the nothing that exists in binary opposition (AND, paradoxically, in harmony) into the something. IF nothing is perceived as a void, we are helping the universe to fill that void. If “nothing” is just more potentiality, we are helping the universe bring that potentiality into being, or “somethingness.” We make the something more “somethingy” and thus the nothing more “nothingy.”

We are at the base root of our function, nothing more than energy transformers. Changers of energetic vibrations into other energetic vibrations…hopefully, and by design, higher frequency energetic vibrations.

And, we believe, that that which we perceive as beauty is indeed the manifestation of the highest vibrational frequency we are, in this limited state of being, capable of achieving.

In that way…..this blog is dedicated to beauty, as it’s entire purpose is to raise the vibration of every sentient being on this plane of existence to a higher and thus more beautiful, frequency of vibration.

In order ultimately to raise and transform the vibration of the planet and the universe itself. Thus continuing the long arc of raising, as Hermes put it, the gross to the fine. And continuing the journey of the universe itself to the highest vibrational frequency possible. The journey of the something….expanding into the nothing, and thus transforming the nothing into something.

Why? I have no idea! Perhaps if we evolve, transform, and raise our vibrations enough not just as individuals, but as the entire energy aggregation known as the human race, we might get to find out!


Post script: As I said in The Weaving….

Historically we have had no method to even discuss, let alone agree upon, a new morality (an agreed upon code of action) for ALL of the inhabitants of the Global Village. We have been separated geographically, culturally and most importantly we have been separated by lexicon. Now the internet is giving us a method, a forum for all of humanity to interact, to discover and solidify the basic commonalities of all humans.

If, as I fully expect given the lack of a common lexicon, some or all of this post sounds like gibberish or jargon, or is otherwise unclear…please let me know in the comments section. I am somewhat confident that I can translate it into a lexicon that is more familiar!

I also expect it will take LOTS of communication and effort to create a new agreed upon lexicon…one that is both clear…and beautiful! By doing this, we will fulfill the purpose of the blog.