May 14, 2011 archive

Random Japan



A Maritime Self-Defense Force member whipped out his tool in a Yokohama video shop in a successful bid to get arrested for exposing himself in public. He was not keen on being sent to Iwate to retrieve bodies killed by the March 11 tsunami.

A Japanese fashion blogger/medical student “Tokyo Panda,” extremely popular on Chinese online shopping site Taobao, is doing her part for tsunami victims by posting photos of herself in various outfits online and then selling the clothes to raise money for charity.

Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea are “under pressure to reduce electric power consumption in anticipation of a power shortage this summer.” The theme parks reportedly use 10 times more power than the Tokyo Dome.

A fundraising effort organized by Tokyoite Gary Bremermann raised ¥100 for every beer sold with the money going to help kids in Tohoku.

Meanwhile, a new internet phenomenon known as “slacktivism” has sprung up in the wake of March 11, gaining popularity in Japan. Combining slacker and activism, the term means “to casually engage in social activism at little cost or effort … leisurely philanthropic activities.”

The Ron Paul rEVOLution Marches On!!

The Ron Paul rEVOLution Marches On.

Today Congressman Ron Paul, the truthteller who correctly predicted the financial collapse before anyone else, correctly forcasted the collapse of the U.S. Dollar, attacked the tyranny of the crooked Federal Reserve Monopoly long before it became fashionable, and has long opposed the corrupt War and World Empire policies for decades has announced his candidacy for President in 2012.

We have an ELITE in this country that wants to interfere in everyone else’s affairs. And it does nothing over the long term except get people killed and hurt the United States.”

       –Michael Sheuer, Former CIA Counter-Terrorism Chief, Feb 15, 2011


“It is no coincidence that the Century of Total War in this Country coincided with the Century of Central Banking [ the Elite ].”

       –Congressman Ron Paul, President 2012

An article appeared today in The Huffington Post with some key observations:

“In most things that matter, Obama is not even Bush-lite: he’s more like Bush-plus.

I’m not questioning his moral intent, but simply looking around me at New Wars, continuation of laws that remove Americans’ basic rights, mass transfer of wealth from the working man to the large subsidized groups, including financial corporations and unions, that fund the old political game.

The old, tired, self-defeating left-right paradigm of American politics is about two teams that want to shape the world in one way or another. The unstated assumptions shared by both sides, does more to undermine practically the principles gifted by the nation’s Founding Fathers than any other single political structure in the USA — except perhaps the Federal Reserve, which acts secretly and without political accountability.

Ron Paul transcends the left-right pseudo-divide. He is almost unique in that he doesn’t want to make a country of the left, or a country of the right. Unlike every other politician, he doesn’t need me to agree with him on anything — except that I should be free to decide on what to agree or disagree with him about.

It is this true freedom that, paradoxically (given how most of us disagree about most things) promotes true unity, as division arises only when some people feel imposed upon by others.

The huge movement behind Paul is demographically diverse, and has attracted people who used to think that they were on the left, as well as people who used to think they were on the right — before they found out that what really matters, and what America was designed to preserve, is bigger than both left and right.”

           –Huffington Post

Article Link: Ron Paul and the Love Revolution of 2012

2012: Change You Can Believe In!!!

The Big Corporate Monopolies quake in their shoes at the thought of a Ron Paul Presidency. He would end all the taxpayer funded subsidies (theft) to Large Multinational Corporations, The Defense Industry, Wall Street Banks, and the Oil Industry. He would clear the decks of crooked crony Capitalism thereby creating an environment with increased Competition under which small businesses and consumer-friendly business could finally thrive, and real economic growth and innovation would return.  For once finally there would be no Goldman Sachs cabinet, no J.P. Morgan cabinet, no Halliburton cabinet, no Central Bank Monopoly cabinet, no NEOCON cabinet.

The Policy Argument!

Watch this video several times.

His responses are brilliant and get to the root cause of our Nation’s problems.

Popular Culture (Music) 20110513. Magic Bus: The Who on Tour

First of all, this is really a very poorly titled record album.  It had nothing to do about being on tour.  It is actually their first compilation album on Decca, their American label.  When this came out in 1968, the way that songs were released was a bit different than later, but it looks like, in the digital age, we are sort of returning to the older ways.

Back then, the single ruled (actually, they were doubles, 45 RPM vinyl pressings with an “A” side (the “good” song) and a “B” side (the ugly cousin)).  That ceased to be the norm after around 1969 or so, when the album started to dominate and singles were released in accordance with how well specific tracks on the album got airtime.

In any event, this is a compilation from many singles the The Who had released over several years.  It had a companion in the UK, and we shall discuss that presently.

LGBT Aging: Kitzhaber declares May 21 Gay & Grey Day in Oregon

Last week I prepared an essay about LGBT aging, entitled Avoiding becoming part of Gen Silent.  Tonight’s dairy continues on that theme.

Interspersed with some other news about LGBT seniors will be some videos of some of us.  History has proved that the way to get people interested in a cause is to put faces on the cause.

So the diary is video-heavy.  Be forewarned.  I divided the different stories, which come from Portland, New York City, San Diego, Philadelphia and Iowa City, from each other by use of the videos.

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