December 2010 archive

Muse in the Morning: Holiday Adornment Edition

Holiday Adornment 1

I promised the community that when I had more information about my surgery on Monday, I would share it.  So I’m going to do that while also sharing some digital graphics I created the past several days intended to evoke some holiday festivity.  

Maybe they’ll call forth some other emotion in you, but I have no control over that.  Whenever any of us experiences art, what the viewer imagines is mostly out of the control of the artist.  We can try to steer your emotions, but it’s awfully chancy.  I  don’t even know if you all experience the same colors  I see when a piece is finished.

Anyway, I’ve been told to arrive at Hackensack University Medical Center at 6:30 am for an 8:30am surgery.  I asked how long I would be in the hospital and the office assistant is under the impression that this is outpatient surgery, which is a surprise to me and freaks Debbie out a bit.  But I shall try my best to keep her calm.  I told her that I would not permit them to perform the wrong surgery on Monday  (this group of surgeons performs lap-band operations for most of what they do, but do other stomach surgeries as well…and this guy who is operating on me is the only surgeon who has performed the procedure I am having who also takes my insurance (Oxford)).

Late Night Karaoke

Important: New Evidence on the Gov. 9/11 Pentagon Attack

A second look on the 9/11 Pentagon Attacks.

Evidence of U.S. Government Complicity in the 9/11 Attacks

Governer Jesse Ventura investigated what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.


Info Link: Good summary of key facts

Why Obama Could Never Be An FDR

Although they emerged into the Presidency seventy-six years apart, at first glance, the similarities are there: two cosmopolitan Presidents from large cities coming to power in the midst of widespread economic catastrophe, on the heels of deeply unpopular, corporatist RepubliCon predecessors. Surely President Obama’s tenure will be judged by some of the same historical precedents set up by FDR, right? Both needed to create jobs, move the country out of economic malaise, and rebuild a sense of American unity that had been deeply damaged on the heels of long-term conservative and corporate dominance alluded to in the term “gilded age.”  

Changing the World: A Beginners Guide

Greatest hits, Mon Apr 07, 2008


The world is made up of nearly seven billion people. In order to change it, you have to change the minds of those people. That’s a LOT of changing! Should we try to sit down and have a conversation seven billion times to change each individual mind? Obviously not. The travel expenses alone are prohibitive.

Margaret Mead said:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

So how does this small group change the world? By indeed, the only method that has ever worked.

Propagating ideas.

If an idea is specific but not simplistic, but can still be stated relatively simply, and the truth behind it is potent enough, iow if it resonates with enough people…if it changes enough minds….it changes the world.

But there is a problem….or two…hundred.

China, France, USA, Your Food, GMO’s and Wikileaks

Dr. Olivier De Shutter, United Nations Envoy, warns that China’s ability to feed its population is waning:…

He told the Guardian his main concern was the decline of soil quality in China because of excessive use of fertilisers, pollution and drought. He noted that 37% of the nation’s territory was degraded and 8.2m hectares (20.7m acres) of arable land has been lost since 1997 to cities, industrial parks, natural disasters and forestry programmes.

With climate change expected to increase price volatility and cut agricultural productivity by 5% to 10% by 2030, De Schutter said it was essential for China to wean itself off fossil-fuel intensive farming and adopt more sustainable agricultural techniques, including organic production, and to make even better use of its two great strengths: a huge strategic grain reserve and a large rural population.

He also cautioned against a shift towards industrial-scale farming, which increases economic competitiveness at the cost of natural productivity. “Small-scale farming is more efficient in its use of natural resources. I believe China can show that it is successful in feeding a very large population. ” However, he acknowledged that this may prove difficult in the future as more of China’s 200million farmers move to the cities.

Unfortunately the article in the Guardian UK did not mention the fact that China’s mega- hydro power projects like the Three Gorges Dam are also contributing to massive amounts of loss of the best farmland in the now flooded valleys above the dam site –  62,000 acres – which also forced the resettlement of over a million rural people.…

People who buck the Chinese government and organize protesters over deadly food don’t do so well in authoritarian regimes.  Zhao Lianhai, who complained about melamine contaminated milk formulas, that made 300,000 sick and killed at least 6 babies, was thrown in jail in 2009, convicted and sentenced to two and a half years in prison in November for “inciting social disorder.”  see HuffPo… Zhao’s son was one of the toddlers who became ill with kidney stones after drinking the bad milk.   Melamine was the same chemical that was implicated in the 2006 – 2007 American pet food safety scandal and recall, which sickened and killed thousands of cats,  when it was used to adulterate imported wheat gluten, and spread from an importer – distributor in Las Vegas, ChemNutra,  to all over the country.…   Ground up melamine powder, a by product of coal processing normally used in plastics like laminated flooring,  was added not only to increase the volume but to fool the tests done for “protein” content.  

What did Zhao do to warrant Chinese jail time while trying to save sick babies ?

he organized a gathering of a dozen parents of sick children at a restaurant, held a paper sign in front of a court and factory involved in the scandal as a protest, and gave media interviews in a public place.


“I’m concerned this will have a chilling effect on consumers who want to complain,” he said. “You cannot protect the right to food without the right to freedom of expression and organisation.”

400 cold dogs

There are over 400 dogs in the Prietenii Nostri shelter facing another very cold Romanian winter.


If you have just a few dollars, please consider sending to the shelter. Founder Teodora Ristea and her daughter Gratiela are two of my heros. Teodora gives everything she’s got to these dogs. $10 feeds one dog for a month.

here is the link to the site’s donate page for pay pal

and here’s the bank transfer info:

Asociatia Pentru Protectia Animalelor “Prieteni Nostri”

Tudor Vladimirescu Street, Number 169

Slatina City, Romania



• CONT IBAN RO29RNCB0200042737330002


The Invisible Hand: Further Adventures in the Territories of Hope

Who wouldn’t agree that our society is capitalistic, based on competition and selfishness? As it happens, however, huge areas of our lives are also based on gift economies, barter, mutual aid, and giving without hope of return (principles that have little or nothing to do with competition, selfishness, or scarcity economics). Think of the relations between friends, between family members, the activities of volunteers or those who have chosen their vocation on principle rather than for profit.

Think of the acts of those — from daycare worker to nursing home aide or the editor of — who do more, and do it more passionately, than they are paid to do; think of the armies of the unpaid who are at “work” counterbalancing and cleaning up after the invisible hand and making every effort to loosen its grip on our collective throat. Such acts represent the relations of the great majority of us some of the time and a minority of us all the time. They are, as the two feminist economists who published together as J. K. Gibson-Graham noted, the nine-tenths of the economic iceberg that is below the waterline.

Capitalism is only kept going by this army of anti-capitalists, who constantly exert their powers to clean up after it, and at least partially compensate for its destructiveness. Behind the system we all know, in other words, is a shadow system of kindness, the other invisible hand. Much of its work now lies in simply undoing the depredations of the official system. Its achievements are often hard to see or grasp.  How can you add up the foreclosures and evictions that don’t happen, the forests that aren’t leveled, the species that don’t go extinct, the discriminations that don’t occur?

The official economic arrangements and the laws that enforce them ensure that hungry and homeless people will be plentiful amid plenty.  The shadow system provides soup kitchens, food pantries, and giveaways, takes in the unemployed, evicted, and foreclosed upon, defends the indigent, tutors the poorly schooled, comforts the neglected, provides loans, gifts, donations, and a thousand other forms of practical solidarity, as well as emotional support. In the meantime, others seek to reform or transform the system from the inside and out, and in this way, inch by inch, inroads have been made on many fronts over the past half century.

The terrible things done, often in our name and thanks in part to the complicity of our silence or ignorance, matter. They are what wells up daily in the news and attracts our attention.  In estimating the true make-up of the world, however, gauging the depth and breadth of this other force is no less important. What actually sustains life is far closer to home and more essential, even if deeper in the shadows, than market forces and much more interesting than selfishness.

Docudharma Times Thursday December 23

Thursday’s Headlines:

Does Santa Claus really exist? Yes, in Indiana


Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning

Stormy but highly productive 111th Congress adjourns


Albania calls in war crimes team over organ theft claim

After a year of despair, Haiti orphans get a fresh start in France

Middle East

Iran recruiting nuclear scientists for weapons programme

Iraq gets an unwieldy coalition government


Indonesian army linked to drugs

S Korea stages major military drill


Civil war looms as foreigners are warned to leave Ivory Coast

Zimbabwe pressed on vote reforms

Swiss close to charging three in nuclear smuggling plot

U.S. tried to derail case against associates of Pakistani scientist A.Q. Khan

By Michael Isikoff

National investigative correspondent

A Swiss judge is recommending that smuggling charges be brought against three alleged members of the world’s most notorious nuclear trafficking ring, reviving a politically sensitive case that U.S. officials have repeatedly tried to squelch because it might expose sensitive CIA secrets, NBC News has learned.

After more than two years of investigation, Swiss magistrate Andreas Mueller said he plans to announce Thursday that he is recommending that his country’s attorney general criminally charge Swiss engineer Friedrich Tinner and his two sons, Marco and Urs, as middlemen in the nuclear smuggling network of rogue Pakistani scientist A.Q. Khan.

Muse in the Morning

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Muse in the Morning

Time for a break from poetry…in order to create some art.

Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”

–John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Decoration 1

Late Night Karaoke

Original v. Cover — #56 in a Series

CountryMorning Currier and Ives Pictures, Images and Photos

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