July 3, 2009 archive

Pique the Geek 20090703. Irregular Post: Fireworks Safety


Since tomorrow is Independence Day and many folks will be displaying fireworks, I thought that this would be appropriate.  Amateur use of fireworks sends many people to the Emergency Department every year, and if I can reduce the number of calls there my work is well done.

Many of you do not realize that I am a Certified Ammunition Handler, bestowed by the United States Army.  I received that certification whilst I was directing the research and development of defensive and less than lethal pyrotechnic devices several years ago.  I also understand the chemistry and physics of explosives.

There are two main classes of explosives, low explosives and high explosives.  Most fireworks are in the former category, but there are exceptions.

Conflict of Interest, Our Congress and Senate Campaign Process

I’ve always thought the system of “private” contributions to the campaigns of Congress and Senate candidates was ridiculously corrupt and presented a clear conflict of interest.  Of course, those “private” contributions mostly consist of money from corporations and other special interests.  It should be clear to even the most closed mind that the money from these lobbies is how a Congress and Senate member gets and remains elected.  It also should be clear that the money received unduely influences the positions taken by these politicians, often without the best interests of the entire population considered.

The Bush years, combined with a period in my life where my major focus was on raising kids and finishing a career, almost made me forget the real problems.  Then along came Obama and his words of hope and change.  He almost had me for awhile.  The contrast from Bush, who I grew to hate, the symbolism of the first black president, and the worldwide exuberance from the commons, had me caught up in the moment as well.  

But five months later, there is the unmistakeable sign that everything is controlled by money.  The system is such that lobbies are an accepted and major player in everything that goes on in the beltway.

Infrastructure Report Card — and the Crumbling of America

America was built on lots of hard work. At the cost of untold blood, sweat and tears. So much so, that we take it for granted. We just assume that all the modern conveniences we enjoy — will just always be there!

Well a team of super serious, civil engineers, is warning our careless assumptions here, could be in for a very rude awaking.

American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, has issued their 2009 Infrastructure Report Card, for America, and well, it’s far from encouraging …

Blather Dither Prattle and Drone


Might as well listen to the tacit assessments of a one ton hunk of tentacled protoplasm.  At least they’re fairly intelligent creatures.  Because you’ll never find out what’s really going on by heeding the corporate harlots squawking on the goggle box or the slatterns chattering from their Congressional cathouse where all the walls are papered green with lobbyist largess.

Elections have consequences we are told.  Just check the box on your ballot with the capital ‘D’ beside it and change will be on the way.  But when millions did just that in 2006 the Democrats immediately backtracked, telling us they didn’t really mean 2006 would be the start of something different. Because well, they couldn’t impeach the obviously criminal Republican in the bully pulpit because it would distract from all the important things that must be done, but because that same Republican president was still there they couldn’t pass anything he wouldn’t approve.  So they spent their first two years in control of Congress rubber stamping the Bush agenda or simply doing nothing of substance at all.  But all that would surely change in 2008 if we could just put a Democrat in the White House, maybe get a new Supreme or two, and then this nation would be altered like a Sunday school marm on an MDMA bender.  This stodgy authoritarian gray dame of a country would be transformed into something fresh and new.  We’d all get health care, better jobs, go green, stop the corruption and fraud, and end the wars that raged.  There’d be shiny happy people everywhere.  All the Whos would be singing and we’d all get roast beast.

Overnight Caption Contest

Into the Land of Bones

One change makes you larger,

And one change makes you small,

And the ones Obama gives you, don’t do anything at all.

Go ask Geithner, when he’s ten feet tall.

Bring a shovel with you, he’s WAY down in that 10 trillion dollar rabbit hole no Obamabots want to talk about, he’s down there with the Mad Hatters of Wall Street and the Cheshire Cats of the Fed, he’s down there high-fiving his Goldman Sachs pals, they’re on a roll, they’ve been raking in market bubble billions and cashing in when those bubbles have exploded ever since the 1920’s.                

Mad Hatters, Cheshire Cats, whacko wingnuts and Goldman Sachs.

Are we having fun yet?

This 4th of July, “Give Peace a Chance”

The famous tune was penned by John Lennon and Yoko Ono 40 years ago this Saturday, July 4.

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