May 3, 2009 archive

A Look At The “9/12 Project”

(Cross-posted at The Free Speech Zone)

Now many of you have already laughed at the title, possibly even rolled your eyes, but you should be scared.

No, not because this is a group of people led by Glenn Beck that will “rise up” successfully, but because of the fact that some people actually believe this bullshit he fucking spews for ratings on Fox News to the leftover Bush Lovers and they might be living in your community.

So for your safety I will provide you with an exposé of the “9/12 Project” so you can spot these fucking nutcases from a mile away and laugh them out of existence.


Utopia 7: Civics Lesson


Power has to be insecure to be responsive.

There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.

Ralph Nader

Please Help an Atty Defending Guantanamo Detainees

I enjoy discussion, debate, analysis.  I have deep appreciation for the thoroughness which this community has parsed every issue of our country’s shameful involvement in torture.  Not so my ex-wife.  I was once on the telephone trying to help my brother think his way through a tough patch when Doris called dismissively from the kitchen, “Tell him to bake a black velvet cake.”  While the rest of us passionately debate the role of the new administration in cleaning up the messes of the old, Doris is busy responding to the reality by doing what she can to find justice for her client at Guantanamo, Abdul Aziz Naji.  We all should be so lucky as to have Doris and her partner Ellen as fierce advocates.

I recently received a letter from Doris and Ellen.  My purpose is to share this letter, both for showing the effects of the current climate on those doing the yeoman’s work and for asking for contributions from those who are moved to support the legal defense of one Guantanamo detainee.

The Hourglass

It is appropriate that time be measured

by the stark shadow cast by a stake in summer

or by the flow of water in the river

where Heraclitus saw time’s ironies

since, seen as time and fate, they are alike;

the movement of the mindless daytime shadow

and the irrevocable running on

of river water following its flow.

Just so, but time discovered in the deserts

another substance, smooth and of some weight,

that seemed to have been specifically imagined

for measuring out the ages of the dead.

And so appears this instrument of legend

in the engravings in the dictionary,

an object graying antiquarians

will banish to a dusty underworld

of things — a single chessman, a broadsword,

now lifeless, and a clouded telescope,

sandalwood word away by opium,

a world of dust, of chance, of nothingness.

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