April 26, 2009 archive

The Thirteenth

Man. The weirdest thing is that so many things I thought would be different are not; and others I miss completely.

There’s, like, no one around. Yet, the grocery store is still there; rather bare-boned and staffed by two people, but I never figured on it being there. I have been here so many years, I had finally acclimated to the people-sounds that jarred me when I first moved from the old Napier house. Lawn mowers, voices, traffic, voices. The silences would be refreshing if I didn’t know why they are here.

There’s only one gas station, but its still open and fairly cheap. No traffic to speak of, no idiots making you crazy. Still, it occasionally feels creepy, that twilight zone feeling, of is this a dream or real? Like, am I dead too and just don’t know it? Its not like my town was ever a metropolis, but still.


I try not to dwell on creeping myself out.

I try not to think at all most days. I would kill him if he weren’t already dead for leaving me alone like this. Or kill myself for not dying with them.

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