January 23, 2009 archive

Bush’s Torture Lite=Torture

Bush thinks he can beat a torture prosecution because he has conned the public and DC into believing that his torture lite is not torture under US and international law. Bush has generally succeeded because he has relied upon the public’s  perception of torture as limited to gruesome, excruciating and barbarous physical mutilations.  However, torture has also historically included methods that superficially appeared not harmful, painful or injurious, but which can produce the same pain, suffering, death, and permanent injuries as the gruesome methods.  This is the heart of Bush’s torture lite system:  Inflict the pain, suffering, injuries or death by a method that is called an innocent-sounding euphemism, such as stress positions, and the public will not think that torture is being committed in our names.  

Live blogging of second Tice interview

I’ve got Countdown on… and I’m going to live blog the interview as best I can, so, bear with me.

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