December 3, 2008 archive

Pony Party/Open Thread!

This Pony Party is an Open Thread!  Use it as such.  Please do not rec the Pony Party / Open Thread.

Who’s doing the circular firing squad now?

This essay probably has no redeeming social value. It might not even be interesting to most folks unless you enjoy watching the circular firing squad that has now become the Republican Party. But I’ve been noticing some interesting discussions taking place and thought I’d chronicle them.

Of course, as I write, I plan to drown my sorrows with a little of this.


So, here we go. First of all, are you ready for a rumble between Kathleen Parker and James Dobson?

Audio File: US elections – Obama for change?

Original article, by Mick Brooks, via Socialist Appeal (UK):

The U.S. has elected a new president, Barack Hussein Obama. Along with the dramatic turn in the economic situation, this marks a definite turning point in the history of the country and of the world. Big illusions have been created that Obama will provide “change”. What American workers have voted for is an end to policies that benefit the rich – but does Obama represent real change?

Bringing The Fear, Year after Year!

Our Corporate Media is on a mission.  It is a mission of concern for the American people.  It is a mission to enlighten ALL of us to the FACT that the world is not a SAFE place.  

Teh World Is To Be Feared!  No, really.  

Not only can bad things happen to YOU when you are out there in the world, but bad things can happen when bad people want to do bad things to YOU!  I’m positive!

The Corporate Media told me so.  Why just today……

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