October 15, 2008 archive

Happy Birthday, Friedrich Nietzsche

Crossposted at The Crusty Polemicist

At the age of 14, I sat in the cavernous balcony of the Stanley Theatre in Jersey City, waiting for the science fiction movie with the odd title to begin. The house lights went down and I settled deeper into my seat, ready to begin the familiar, beloved ritual.

The screen was completely dark. Slowly I became aware of a strange, deep bass rumble coming from the enormous Dolby speakers on the walls. The floor itself, the seats, were vibrating. On the screen, the camera was panning up over the dark side of the moon. Three brass notes sounded, rising; the music suggested infinite distance and enormous possibility. On the screen, Earth broke above the curve of the moon, and an enormous orchestral outburst slammed me back into my seat. As the fanfare continued, I experienced something I’ve never experienced since: the hair on the back of my neck and my arms stood up. I had to know what this music was, what it meant. The subject was not open for discussion. It was an obsession, you understand.

#%&* the Republican Party

I meant to go to sleep 2+ hours ago, I really did. But failing that, I thought I’d check the latest news on the tubes, and boy was that ever a mistake. I read about 6th the Circuit court decision to challenge 600k+ new registrations, and now I am WIDE FREAKIN’ AWAKE pissed off. Feel free to follow along on a near 2 am ramble and rant….

F%&* the GOP

Oh, every two years, predictably, they go on and on about the sanctity of the right to vote, and how evil Democratic allied groups are perpetrating voter fraud on an unsuspecting populace by registering all sorts of (OMIGOSH) people to vote, conveniently glossing over the fact that most of the people thus registered are poor, or minority, in their rush to judgment over the relatively few suspect registrations. Every two years, predictably, there’s an outcry over a group called ACORN, which inevitably pays some less than scrupulous persons to gather new voter registrations, and said persons get lazy, or bored, or just stupid, and sign up Mickey Mouse to cast a ballot.

The Morning News

The Morning News is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Bailout becomes buy-in as feds move into banking

By JEANNINE AVERSA, AP Economics Writer

1 hour, 48 minutes ago

WASHINGTON – Big banks started falling in line Tuesday behind a rejiggered bailout plan that will have the government forking over as much as $250 billion in exchange for partial ownership – putting the world’s bastion of capitalism and free markets squarely in the banking business.

Some early signs were hopeful for the latest in a flurry of radical efforts to save the nation’s financial system: Credit was a bit easier to come by. And stocks were down but not alarmingly so after Monday’s stratospheric leap.

The new plan, President Bush declared, is “not intended to take over the free market but to preserve it.”

Arrest Economic Terrorists, our only hope of salvaging something of our economy and tax dollars.

The economic crisis can be summed up in three words TRUST, CREDIT and TERRORISM.  

Banks do not Trust each other so they are not willing to provide Credit to each other. During this economic panic, Paulson used terrorist tactics of threats and fear of economic collapse to coerce Congress to give him Czar like powers over our tax dollars.

Why don’t financial institutions trust each other?  Because for years they have been cooking the books, claiming they have more value than they really do.  So now that things have gotten tight no one is willing to issue Credit to anyone else because no believes what anyone claims they are worth (and rightly so).

Overnight Caption Contest

Pony Party

This is a Pony Party.  Treat the Pony Party as an Open Thread and the Pony Party will treat you well.  Do not rec the Pony Party, as it may come back to bite you if you do!

Photographs, but no politics.

Just a few quick photos from this weekend, a hiking trip up to Lone Pine Lake (elevation ?9900 ft) near California’s Mount Whitney.  An incoming storm and some odd light patterns gave me some unexpectedly gorgeous pictures (even for a pathetically amateurish photographer like me), so I thought I’d share a few.  Call it stress relief.


Base camp, between the Eastern Sierras and the Inyo Mountains:



So, I’ve just gotten a breathless email about a month old PBS polls as to whether or not Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President and I need everyone on this blog to stop whatever work they’re doing to win the fall campaign and vote, because we all know that the winner of the PBS Sarah Palin poll on qualifications wins 137 Electoral Votes in the Presidential Election as evidenced by the map (right)!

Also, its is a well known fact that the winner of the “Is Sarah Palin Qualified To Be Vice President Poll has won the last 15 elections, starting with when Sarah Palin was deemed more qualified than Charles A. Towne paving the way for William Taft to defeat Williams Jenning Bryan in 1908!

Aroma de Trauma: Wingnuts Desperation Scent Takes Hold

I have used this “Aroma de Trauma” tag before because it is befitting of the GOP as a whole, particularly since Mc weather Vane became their poster boy, surprising not only himself but the entire Republican establishment into the bargain. Watching this election cycle from across the pond with great interest I have no qualms about venturing into the various right wing sites to measure the temperature (boiling to really pissed off), read the latest jeremiads and smell their fear. They are scared stoopid!

Here is my selection, hold your nose.

Red State is a must read these days as Erick the Viking’s site is obviously in deep pain, reeling from bad news to worse news. From Mark Kilmer, who is dumbfounded about the pesky media:

This year, John McCain never had a chance with the media. Obama’s ideology – uncertain, possibly progressive, and insubstantial, with alternating promises – is the perfect fit, unfortunately, with today’s media, with its predilection for political flightiness.

Oh dear! Feeling unloved?

Global Warming denialism … from a “D” Senate candidate!

In South Carolina, the “Democratic Party” candidate is Bob Conley, who must be mentioned was recently a Republican, on a county GOP committee until winning the Democratic Party primay, and Ron Paul supporter.  On the Repulbican side, Lindsey Graham.  In this race, Saturday’s debate could well be a telling one for anyone who cares for science and issues of Global Warming.

Conley, in Inhofe-scale like terms, very “firmly proclaimed his denial of global warming science”.  In face of a question as to whether Global Warming is real (come off, is this a real question people?), Conley’s response:

CONLEY: It really is the arrogance of man to think that we are having any effect.

These are not words of someone interested in reality-based policy making.

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