Media War! MSBC and FoxPlus….The Maddow Movement: Letters!

  The feud between Fox’s O’Liely and MSNBC’s Olbermann has apparently spread to their bosses! With Bill-o, thug that he is, backed by Ailes, perhaps when it comes to the destruction of the Free Press that has helped land us where we are…The Worst Person In The World!

Bill-o, is actually using his bully pulpit to go after and smear the head of GE, NBC’s parent company! A “news anchor,” with the backing of his bosses, going after the corporate head of his rival! Trying to smear him…

Last week, in an unrelated segment with CBS’s Kimberly Dozier about being injured in Iraq, O’Reilly used a graphic that combined GE’s logo with a photo of Ahmadinejad. The heading: “Business Partners.”

…in an attempt to control the content of MSBC’s news! Even if the content they are trying to control is Just Olbermann’s attacks on O’Reilly. And it may indeed, be more than that..

O’Reilly initially retaliated in 2006 with a petition on his Web site that urged MSNBC to fire Olbermann. But he does not mention Olbermann’s name on the air. Instead, he routinely assails NBC — sometimes naming Zucker and Capus — as an organization that “spews out far-left propaganda,” is “the most aggressive anti-Bush network” and is “in the tank” for Barack Obama.”

Though knowing Bill O’reilly, it is probably just about…him. But the precedent being set here is simply stunning! This is a true media war, with O’Reilly and Fox apparently trying to “take down” or at least heavily influence, not just a rival newsman or organization, but the head man of a giant corporation…. because of the news content of their subsidiaries subsidiary. Iow, Fox is tryig to bully MSBC into submission!

Interesting times!


http://[email protected]


You suck! You are maggots feeding of off the carcass of American Democracy as you lead us into a long dark night of a pap-filled, fascist controlled, propagandized, Big Brother, media nightmare where we are spoon fed the message from the police state and all dissent is censored or crushed by YOU, the willing puppets of the Forces of Darkness . Please give Rachel Maddow her own show. Thank you.




Rachel is the dreamiest! Every time she is on the screen my heart beats faster and I get all …tingly! If you give her her own show I SWEAR I will be glued to the TV for the full hour and promise to buy every product that is advertised….and to never ever stalk her!



What do you think? Too extreme one way or the other for the Maddow Movement, lol?

Framing an issue is huge in these days of media savvy spin wars. Making an effective appeal to a corporation like NBC to change their policies (in this case by putting a Progressive voice on the air to fight the influence of folks like Roger Ailes) can be approached in many ways. Including the two letters above! Those two actually represent what would two of the extremes of some of the constituencies that would be allies in getting Maddow her own show…Fanboys/girls and people pushed to the brink of paranoia by the shape the media is in.

As for me, I will restate my aims in the Maddow movement in the letter below.


I am writing to urge you to give your fine up and coming political commentator, Rachel Maddow, her own show on your network. My reasons for this are many, ranging from admiration for Maddow’s intellect and refreshing honesty, to concern for the overall state of the media in the post Fox News, post Bush era…and…your bottom line!

As you well know the nation is fed up with the Conservative and Republican way of doing things and is ready for change. For the last ten years Fox News has succeeded in setting the national media conversation and framing, with only Keith Olbermann providing a counterpoint. You have no doubt noticed his success! As the nation changes, so must the media…and you can lead that change by promotig Rachel Maddow and putting the second objective, Progressive voice on the air in her own show. Thus providing our nation with more real, balanced coverage of the news…and, due to Rachel’s uique and insightful voice and her many fans and admirers, practically guaranteeing a ratings winner!

Thank you for your consideration,


What will your letter say? Write it now, include it in the comments and perhaps we will use it as one of the templates for the Maddow Movemet! If you need more time, their will be at least one more chance to submit it. (tomorrow?)