May 22, 2008 archive

Weaving Reality

The WeaveMothers were alternately amused and perplexed.  Weaving SpaceTime is a daunting task.  But the die had been cast ThereThen.

Those self-programmable units would have to be the answer.  At least for now, the spot weaving of the tapestry would have to rely on those limited creatures.  If only they didn’t have the bugs that caused them to sometimes go around and around in circles, sometimes get lost in mazes of amazing complexity, and too often fail to cooperate with each other in their common task.

But Uncertainty would always have the upper hand.

And it was quite worrying that they seem to have decided to create rules which were limiting their progress, cutting themselves off from some of the capabilities they had been created to use.

One of the WeaveMothers noticed a spot.  Mostly what might be called its eyes…its visual sensors, if vision was the right concept…were on the whole , but every once in a great while there were units which shown brightly.  Rarer still some of these units came together and produced the newness that expanded the possibilities instead of shrinking them.  

It might pay to keep an eye on this group, if only for the brightness it seems to produce.

The Maddow Movement Launches!

Whereas; The Press, the Fourth Estate, is the gatekeeper of Truth in our country. If the Press does not report it, it effectively never happened as far as the all important reaction of the citizenry is concerned. Where the Press shines it’s light, freedom follows.

Whereas; The Press during the Bush Administration has not only blinded its own light in regards to scandalous crimes, it has on far too many occasions, such as the lead up to the Iraq Occupation and on Domestic Spying, and in the latest instance of the Military Analysts scandal, actually aided and abetted in the criminal acts and despicable propaganda activities of the Bush Administration.

We have determined that in order to take our country back from those who have usurped our democracy, in order to bring to light their crimes, in order to expose their methods, and most order to make sure that these crimes and outrages can never occur again, the first necessary step on the log road back to America is to reform and retake the Fourth Estate, to Free The Press.

Realizing that this monumental task cannot be accomplished in one fell swoop, but must be approached incrementally, in a series of small but achievable steps, we have determined that the first step is getting a fresh, objective  progressive voice that has not been tainted by the past eight years on the air.

Rachel Maddow.


To this end we are starting an E-mail and Petition drive to urge MSNBC to give Ms. Maddow her own show…we have named this effort, The Maddow Movement

Veterans dissing veterans on Memorial Day

As the United States prepares to remember its war dead on Memorial Day, some veterans who want to remember their fallen comrades with a wish for peace are being barred from participating in official events.  

Two chapters of Veterans for Peace, one in Washington state and one in Washingtgon, D.C., have been banned from parades.

In both cases,VFP was told it could not participate because the organization is “too political.”  That is the same reason that others have given for barring Veterans for Peace and Vietnam Veterans Against the War from Veterans Day parades and activities.

What is particularly sad is that those who exclude them are often veterans themselves, with some misguided sense of patriotism.


The Sanctuary: A Right-Wing-Noise-Free Zone

I think that the movement in the blogoshpere over the last few years has been to smaller and smaller communities where folks can talk and germinate ideas. I know there are pluses and minuses to this trend. But I, for one have found it helpful in giving me a place like Docudharma where I can feel free to venture into the outer reaches of my thinking.

But when that trend is reversed and independent bloggers come together to tackle an important issue of the day…I think that also deserves our attention in a big way. That is just what is happening with a new blog called The Sanctuary that officially launched last week.


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