March 21, 2008 archive Obama’s Multiracial Coalition and the Politics of Racial Reconciliation

by BlackAgendaReport Managing Editor Bruce Dixon.

This is an interesting point-of-view of Obama’s campaign:

Pony Party, Phone it in Friday

Esther Sparks, “Peace”

What are you reading? fiction and nonfiction

Something a little different today, below the fold.  But first

If you like to trade books, try BookMooch.

What are you reading? is crossposted to dailyKos

If you have ideas for future weeks, let me know  

“Shell Shock”; PTSD, and Executions of Those With!!

The following Video was left as a reply in my Daily KOS posting, yesterday, on Nadia and ‘Veterans Village’.

How far have we come as to what Wars do to those we send to fight them?

We don’t Execute?, but we Still don’t Understand, some Denie, and we Don’t Give The Care Needed!

Societies ‘Love War’, at first, especially Wars of Choice, but Societies only send a small fraction of to engage, than they make them Fight for what it does to them!

Do Tell, Professor

I can see that pointing out stuff about religion is about as interesting as watching grass grow or flies mate.  I will avoid that at all cost.

I have been accused of being an Obama supporter—WRONG!  I have not endorsed anyone at this point.  I do defend him on some issues and have been critical on others.  As I have with other candidates.  I do, however, see Obama as an important person that could possibly unify a party that is divided.

I cannot support Clinton.  Why?  her pro-business platform and her leadership position within the DLC.  Most of her platform is start out of the playbook of the DLC.  IMO, this organization is trying hard to purge all “true” progressives from the party.

McCain?  He was looking pretty good until he flip=flopped on torture, tax cuts, and other issues.  Because of this reversal of stands, just to win the suppoort of hard core conservs will forever eliminate him from my consideration.

All that said, the media has chosen who they want to be the two candidates and that choice is McCain and Clinton.  Just watch MSM and you will concur with my findings.  I love the pundits that disguise their obvious dislike for Obama as fair and balanced report–IT IS NEITHER!

I fear that the MSM will be successful in their pushing of the two candidates and if they are, we will have 4 more years of Bush policies. no matter which one is elected.  

Muse in the Morning



You desire that I engage

in discussion

concerning the relative value

of War

You wonder

why I resist

The only wars

having merit

are the ones

too seldom fought

When do we fight

hunger and disease

bigotry and ignorance

neglect and injustice?

Fighting these doesn’t require

armed conflict

but rather the engagement

the minds and hearts

the imagination and cooperation

of good people

Will we never try?

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 20, 2008

If Obama were white, he would not be in this position

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman of any color, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.

Geraldine Ferraro, Torrance Daily Breeze, March 7, 2008

It now appears that Geraldine Ferraro’s now-famous first sentence was at least partially right, albeit a week or so early.  If Obama were a white man, he would not be in the position he is today: not, as Ferraro would have it, a position in which he receives the uncritical positive regard of much of the population,  but one where he is being called to answer for the attitudes and actions of the entire Black community.  Her fourth sentence proved prophetic as well: the whole country has been caught up in the concept.

The question before us, and before the superdelegates, is whether the third sentence was also true: is he very lucky to be who he is?  Again, contrary to Ferraro, that does not mean lucky to be Black, but is he lucky enough — by virtue of both eloquent argument and personal example — to be able to defuse the effect of his being symbolically associated with those Blacks whom much of white America most hates and fears?


The Stars Hollow Gazette

Ok this is like my fifth try at this-

One of my favorite Easter traditions is Onion Dyed Eggs.  The recipe is really simple.  Collect some Onion skins, more is better, it helps if you plan early so you don’t have to do Onion Soup or something like that to get rid of the Onions.

You put the skins in with your eggs and boil them until they’re brown (less skins = boil longer).  I always use the skins from at least 3 pounds of onions.

Ideally they’ll turn out a dark shade of mahogany and have a faint oniony aroma when cooled.

For a variation you can use Bermuda Onions which, if you use them alone, will create a rich deep purple.  Otherwise you can add them to your regular yellow onion skins and it will make the brown darker and richer.

Sigh.  That’s much better.  All the rest devolved into rants against the religious hypocrites criticizing Reverend Wright and upbraiding Obama for not spiting on him in the handshaking line outside Church on Sunday- the most segregated hour in America.

Thank God I’m an atheist.

Bin Laden Really Does Suck

No, this isn’t a right-wing diary.

Does anyone remember what Bin Laden’s original demand was? We don’t negotiate with terrorists, we just give them what they want.

So now we see him railing against cartoons again, and he is implying that many will pay for these cartoons.

Cartoons? I’m an Irish American, and that has ensured that I have heard every Irish joke going. I have not blown up so much as a mail box over any of them. I’m pretty sure I laughed at most of them, or maybe poked someone in the eye, at worst.

The problems he creates with these kind of threats or worse, is that it becomes maddening for reasonable, rational people to hear. It’s red meat for the war pigs, and you can feel the ground tilt as the unthinking, fearful masses start leaning to the right again.

I used to like the sound of a fiddle, but now that so many are being played like one, I am getting really sick of that sound.

The cost of a fucking audio tape. That’s asymmetrical.

If you listen close enough, you can actually hear Bin Laden laughing right now.

Quote for Discussion: Asfandyar Wali Khan

No one can force us to give up that culture-even the suicide bombers. There is a very clear polarization taking place…on one side those striving for peace, nonviolence, and a future of cooperation with the international community, and on the other those who stand for confrontation and hatred. They are men of violence, but we refuse to be cowed. We may lose, but we will make a stand.

Asfandyar Wali Khan, grandson of Ghaffar Khan, Muslim follower of Mahatma Ghandi.

Pacific Fleet Movements……

Hard to figure these days.  The Illuminati watch boards said something about a response to the incidents going on in Tibet.  This can’t be so.  We would anger our benevolent trading partners?  American/western world CEO’s cash cow?  I think not.

Yes, South American countries that have oil, now you’re talking!

Ain’t Gonna Strain my Brain, Jane

So I figured, I don’t know all that much about any one particular thing, so I can’t call myself an expert as a citizen journalist.  You know, the ones who have memorized all the applicable laws and regulations, analyzed every fact meticulously and also have the unfathomable ability at the same time to communicate to others this information along with a heaping helping of ethical and moral and gold standard human value.

Well I call them citizen journalists, and have written about them many times.  They are my heroes for sure.

So I decided instead I will write editorials!  Well, just for tonight, ’cause I don’t wanna strain my brain, Jane.

Even good editorials are just editorials, opinions.  The great ones manage to transcend opinion and reach the hallowed land of brilliant thinking, but I’ll bet that always happened by accident!

So here’s why I ain’t gonna strain my brain, Jane.

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