“They’re murdering us here! Let’s move inland and get murdered!”

“They’re murdering us here! Let’s move inland and get murdered!”

Note: This diary may require a suspension of disbelief – or, more precisely, a willingness to believe, at least for a few  moments, that congressional Democrats want to achieve the same things you want for them to achieve. Maintaining that conceit for just a couple of minutes will make this exercise more bearable. Thanks in advance for your flexibility – o.h.

Democrats, having gained a toehold on the beachhead of Congress in thier assault on Fortress Federal Government, have been fearful to the point of paralysis about attacking Republicans head-on.  They have made noises about “the Democratic agenda,” fretting that if they appear “too combative” about the issue of holding the administration and various Republican members of Congress accountable for their crimes over the past 6 1/2 years, they will be unable to move “the Democratic agenda.”

The fallacy in this argument, of course, is that, irrespective of how “civil”, “bipartisan,” “nonconfrontational,” and “collegial” they are, or have been, the “Democratic agenda” is not move forward, because of Republican obstruction and, ultimately, the president’s veto.

“a cataclysmic fight to the death”

There are several possible explanations for the behavior of those Democrats elected to Congress in November 2006 since they took control.  One is that they believe that by being nice to Republicans, that the Republicans will not turn on them and ultimately destroy them and their agenda.  Any Democrat who truly believes this is naïve beyond hope.  All one has to do is look at the track record of the Republicans since the Democrats took control to see how nice Republicans are willing to play.  Remember the remark about the cataclysmic fight to the death made by an administration aide shortly after the November 2006 elections.

h/t to Airpower, whose comment inspired this diary

I think of what Brigadier General Coda did when I see our “leaders” in Congress who do not have one-tenth of the guts that he and so many others displayed on “Omaha” beach.  A year ago we went to the polls and took Capitol Hill.  I am still waiting for a “General Cota” in Congress with the courage to stand up and lead the impeachment of that sadistic, brain-damaged, drunken SOB from Texas who has caused so much harm to the reputation of the United States — reputation bought and paid for the the blood of young Americans who fought tooth and nail for what was right during some very dark times.
