Important If True: Things I didn’t know edition

Important If True: Things I didn’t know edition  1/20


joe conason book review…

georgia gun bill…

Gen. Robert Scales on ATC january 11 – very end of the broadcast…

The reason we’re in Iraq is to establish a military presence there. Finally – someone comes out and admits that the reason we illegally invaded and occupied a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us was to fulfill the agenda of the Project for the New American Century, first laid out in 1997 and more fully explicated in 2000.

defense secretary gates on gunboats…

Asked about the Iranian charge of fabrication, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said: “I think that the most appropriate answer is actually the one that I heard on television last night from former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen, who said, ‘Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?’

I’LL BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW THIS: thompson not even in the same ballpark – he’s on a little league diamond…

Fred Thompson knew he had to hit it out of the park last night — so he did.

more scintillating commentary from the same columnist, Ericka Andersen (a real piece of journalistic work herself):

Huckabee wasn’t the only one out of place last night. Ron Paul, who was invited to the debate only after receiving 8% of the New Hampshire vote, displayed his lack of understanding of the military by second-guessing on-scene commanders who didn’t fire on Iran speedboats in the incident last Sunday in the Strait of Hormuz. Worse still, Paul seemed to suggest that the American version of the incident — in which a radio transmission from the Iranian boats included a threat, “you will explode in two minutes” — was untrue.

Paul suggested that “voice may not even have come from those vessels” and argued that “there are people in this administration and in Washington DC that are looking for a chance” to go to war….an excuse to bomb Iran.”


my kids are all in favor of schools being required to validate opposing views. In fact, one of my daughters is adamant that her algebra teacher give as much weight to the belief that holds that factoring

o’reilly and trained monkey fling poo…

creationism museum closing…

depending upon the 40,000 year age of an artifact

The meek shall not inherit the scorched earth: everybody knows there’s a difference between campaigning and governing.  Campaigning can be exciting: the adrenaline rush, the strategizing, the maneuvering, the gamesmanship,-but what to do once the election is won?  Putting aside for the moment we illegality of the entire enterprise, the “defeat” of the Iraqi army took a little bit over three weeks.  That was the easy part, and the most telegenic.  The hard part-and the part for which those who carried out the Blitzkrieg had no plan and no clue-came afterward.  So what is my point?  Simply this: conducting a scorched earth Blitzkrieg campaign whose sole object is to win, regardless of the costs, consequences or repercussions, might be a nice tactic, but a terrible strategy.  Just sayin.

alcides moreno…
