December 14, 2007 archive

Nothing better to do…

You’d expect this sort of nonsense from Congress when the Republicans are in charge, but really doesn’t Chairman Waxman have anything better to do with the Oversight Committee?

“This is a sad day for Major League Baseball but a good day for integrity in sports. It’s an important step towards the goal of eliminating the use of performance enhancing substances.

“The Mitchell report is sobering. It shows the use of steroids and human growth hormone has been and is a significant problem in Major League Baseball. And it shows that everyone involved in Major League Baseball bears some responsibility for this scandal.

“We are going to ask Senator George Mitchell, Commissioner Bud Selig, and the President of the Major League Players Association, Don Fehr, to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing on Tuesday, December 18. We look forward to their testimony on whether the Mitchell report’s recommendations will be adopted and whether additional measures are needed.

Yeah, the ball players used performance enhancing drugs. But, then we have a “president” who has lied to Congress and obstructed justice. So much for integrity in our government. Not to mention our planet’s at the tipping point…

Priorities. Whatever. Play ball!

Pony Party: Dreaming

Thanks for looking. Please don’t rec pony party, hang out and chit chat, and then go read some of the excellent offerings on our recent and rec’d list.

Two straight days of a two anda half year old has quite worn me out! I’m off for a long nap. I thought I’d better quickly put something together before I go, just in case I sleep longer than planned…

A couple of my favorite tunes of the moment in no particular order….


who will buy:

roving eye:

holly days:

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