September 17, 2007 archive

March of the Progressives

The little guy, whether he lived in a tenement in the city or in a ramshackle house on the plains, was getting trampled by the money trust and the captains of industry.  Disgust with both major parties was growing as pandering pols refused to take a decisive stand on the major issues of the day, and the White House seemed incapable and/or unwilling to change things.  Money and cynicism were inseparable from the political process, and tabloid journalism ruled the media, fanning the flames of America’s basest passions and prodding the nation toward an imperialist horizon.

No, this isn’t another story from the Cave’s BREAKING!!! desk – but it could have been, a little over 100 years ago.  Join me, if you will, for a look at how turn-of-the-century Progressives dealt with issues not all that dissimilar from the ones currently being bungled and shied away from in Washington…

Obama on Iraq: No Funding Without Timelines

Via Kos:

“We are going to bring an end to this war and I will fight hard in the United States Senate to make sure we don’t pass any funding bill that does not have a deadline,” Obama told the crowd.

Big props to Senator Obama. Hurrah!

Deities, Ice, and Motion

On September 28th, 1972, adult Canadians found a way to skip out of work and school children were packed in gymnasiums to watch an event on those horrible TVs in a box. Most Canadians over forty have some memory of it, many can tell exactly where they watched the game and who they were with. Canadians have tendency to struggle with their identity. They often define themselves by what they are not, which might be why hockey remains consistent in popular culture.

Oh snap!

After the civility fandango, I figure it’s time for something light.  Something fun.  So…. what could be more fun than some really snappy put downs?

Just to show that I can admire a brilliant snap. 

A Blast From the Past

My appologies if you’ve all seen this before, and for the poor quality of the video. 

This reporter was robbed of a Pulitzer.

“… for the blast blasted blubber beyond all believeable bounds.” Now that’s writin’.

Pony Party: Sunday music retrospective

The Point!

Everything’s Got ‘Em

I love you. I’ll see ya later.

A little story of last weekend’s bittersweet visit in Seattle & Whidbey Island.

Breaking: KO’s internal organ outed as GOP operative

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting (A multi-tasking quickie from T&P while I frantically jump from the Pats to the Red Sox)

According to Democratic Underground and MediaBistro, Keith Olbermann was KO’d by his appendix Friday night. It isn’t often that our internal organs go all partisan on us, but we know for certain that his heart is true blue. 

Are these sources reliable?  If so, feel better KO.

Impeachement: The Path to Ending the Occupation of Iraq? w/poll

We’ve had a few days to digest the latest utterings by the administration on it’s generals on the ongoing occupation of Iraq.  The best news to come out of the spewing is that the surge troops may be coming home by next summer.  The bad news is that the pre-surge number of troops is going to remain, and that the Dems look like they’re going to capitulate again on continuing the war.  It sounds as if most of our leaders are resignd to remaining in Iraq at least until the next administration comes into office.

In the Beginning

This piece was written over a decade ago.  At the time, I was living in Arkansas, where the Southern Baptists are far from the most conservative religious people.

I was generally assaulted by religion, religious tracts, and the religious view of history.  Being a taoist didn’t help.  That just labeled me as a heathen.

So occasionally I responded with words of my own.  This essay was one fo those responses and is one of my favorites, actually.  Others will no doubt have their own opinions…

Rudy’s Smoldering Ruins of Bullshit

Since 9/11 there have been many theories as to what really brought those buildings down – from the “official” reports – to the fringe, tin-foil hattery of the paranoid, conspiracy theorists. But there was (and is) a cover-up that has nothing to do with what caused those towers to fall – A coverup in which our government was and is absolutely complicit: The alledged safety of the air around Ground Zero in the aftermath of the attacks in what has been dubbed “The World Plague Center”. More below the imaginary crease…

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